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Status Updates posted by moodywriter

  1. I wouldn't even expect to read them. I don't even remember the titles anymore.

  2. I.miss my steadyelmo. :(

  3. I've read some of your posts. I could say that you're a decent guy. Thank you for being one on behalf of the female society! :D

  4. Is there such thing as 'burning passion'? I sure would like to discover that feeling for a person.

    1. Edmond_Dantes


      That sort of thing does not get discovered as if it's something that happens in an instant. It steadily builds up.

    2. moodywriter


      You're right. It does build up without you knowing it. When you realize that it's there, you suddenly can't hold it inside.

  5. It's going to be a cold and lonely Christmas.

  6. It's just so sad when you realize you're drinking wine alone --and you bought the wine yourself.

    1. aldwinroy
    2. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      that is sad, hope you're okay

    3. moodywriter


      LOL I am fine. Just a li'l swamped with work.

  7. It's my birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. moodywriter


      And oh, I forgot bonito99. Thank you!

    3. Gambler_m


      belated happy birthday!

    4. hornydude


      belated happy birthday :) hope you had fun

  8. Jeez... Drunk with wine again.

  9. Just a lot of emails for work... :(

  10. Listening to Linger by the Cranberries. I am such a fool for someone. He has wrapped me around his finger.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      that last sentence was the police. *wink*

  11. Love may simply be an addiction of oxytocin.

    1. DrMurdoc


      or maybe just plain insanity...

    2. femcasanova


      the only thing I remembered about oxytocin is they injected it in my dextrose when Im about to give birth

    3. moodywriter


      It's called the "love hormone".

  12. Merry Christmas everyone!

  13. Missing the sound, the feel and the taste of the wind by the beach...

  14. My new mantra: I am happy no matter what happens!

  15. Nothing. The year is just about the same to me I guess.

  16. Now, how am I supposed to survive?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. moodywriter


      I hope so too, but I am not.

    3. borixx


      ignore mo na lang yan lilipas din yan u take care :)

    4. moodywriter


      Hahaha How can you ignore starvation?

  17. So my d2b post is back. I don't get it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. moodywriter


      @xxxxdgnr8xxxx, uhmm thank you!

      @magnomedella, I didn't have it removed. I think the mods removed it before.

    3. magnomedella


      why would they remove it? it's one of the better pictures actually

    4. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      you're most welcome, milady

  18. So my post got deleted. I wonder why...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bulletproofcar


      Awesome blog btw, read all of it lol.

    3. moodywriter


      Thank you! I hope reading my blog is somehow enjoyable. I am also not being humble. I'm just not used to receiving praise. Maybe that's how I was raised. lol

    4. bulletproofcar


      Enjoyed every second! Wish there was more pa. That's okay, better prepare yourself tho, im sure you'll get more praises coming your way lol. Stay strong and modest :)

  19. So this is how it feels to miss being loved...

    1. teejoe


      but you are LOVE

  20. So this is why I want to have daily sex daily... http://themindunleashed.org/2014/06/16-reasons-daily-sex.html

    1. kurokaze


      Item #2 is doubtable, given newer research (http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa1208051) ... but who cares ? :)

  21. Sometimes I wish I were a person devoid of emotion. Loneliness and despair would not get to me.

    1. daddydrew


      MD, Look at what you have that you love...Whether it is yourself or someone close to you. Do not give up or loose hope, you are a strong woman ha...

  22. Statistically, the suicide rate from the rich is significantly higher than the poor. According to Durkheim's theory, it is because of alienation. My theory? The rich can buy the means to do it: guns drugs, privacy. But the poor have to be creative in looking for cheap ways to die, or to think about how humiliating it would be if people see their bloated bodies from the river.

    1. AmBoyinManila


      guess its more stressful to be rich and more to stay rich

    2. AmBoyinManila


      guess its more stressful to be rich and more to stay rich

  23. Status: Single and ready to mingle.

  24. Stay as a lover please. We have enough players around here. ;)

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