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Status Updates posted by moodywriter

  1. Hey daddydrew! Such a coincidence, you're here too!

  2. Hey... It's been a while. How have you been?

  3. Hi! It was great to see you again. You are still cute as ever. Sabi ko sa'yo akin ka lang di ba? If somebody ever flirts with you, I'm going to break her bones and shave her head.

  4. I am not really sure if it is flattering at all to get hit on by an eighteen-year old.

  5. I believe that God gave us freewill, and with that freewill, we shape our own lives. With this, what happens to us are about circumstances that can technically be explained by math, cause and effect, and can be called quantifiable coincidences. However, it is highly comforting to believe that when we pray, God can either not do anything (when He knows that the current effect is the best for us) or make a leaf fall to help us in what we prayed for or to get what we deserve.

  6. I did post it. I do welcome comments about the photography, but NOT indecent proposals on the model.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moodywriter


      I knew that but I guess I need a diversion. :) I can just ignore unwanted comments or PM's right? And thank you for the comment.

    3. cocoy0


      Ahh, trouble indeed.

    4. daddydrew


      T-R-O-U-B-L-E that is for sure...Lovely photo dear...Hope to be friends....

  7. I don't mind a conversation, but I seldom login to my YM.

  8. I don't understand why people add a person as a "friend" here when they haven't had a conversation with the person. Is it about the number of chicks you have on your friends list?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. weeee13


      well, you can consider adding her and she accepts. the guy may think he pass on her level to be likeable or get close to. halatang ako yun e no hahaha

    3. joeboxer





      that's it for now.




      post somethin daring and expect a ton of friend requests...that is how it goes for adult forums - just stating a fact. ^_^

  9. I embraced the chaos. Now everything is out of control.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      anarchy in proportion?

    2. daddydrew


      Never out of control...It just seems that way....

    3. ganjaman318


      learning to love the chaos can be hard... but it's the only way to go!

  10. I hate silence. In it, I can only hear the clanging of my heart, like a loose tin roof on a windy day. It must be broken.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moodywriter


      Yeah, it does. Any heart doctor around?

    3. SkinDeep


      am not a heart a doctor but maybe i can stitch it up for you?

    4. moodywriter


      You can try...

  11. I miss having a boyfriend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dr_nightman


      Ah it's been almost a year. I guess only time will tell what will happen next. I know missing someone makes people sad and lonely but hey life always has its ups and downs. We just need to stay positive and strive to be happy.

    3. meroveus
    4. moodywriter
  12. I miss my camera. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      aaawwww. so no more dare-to-bare eyecandies for us then. *sniff*

    3. moodywriter


      That photo is the only thing I'm posting. I've never intended to post more anyway.

    4. xxxxdgnr8xxxx
  13. I never realized that it has been long time since I went out on a date, until my friend invited me to unwind this Saturday night with her fiance. So guys, I need a date. I really don't want to be a third wheel.

  14. I posted a photo because I need a diversion, I want to feel deviant in my own way, I am proud of my body and I want to tease. If people can't get that, then I don't care.

    1. maddromeo


      Think you just diverted many people's attention towards you when you posted your photo! And right there you already knew... troubles gonna come! Relax it's MTC! ;)

    2. moodywriter


      I guess I won't have that problem now. The post was deleted.

    3. maddromeo


      For real? I wonder y? Hmm... Like this ah!? I know I know... hehe ;)

  15. I prefer to call it learning a valuable but harsh lesson.

  16. I so want to go to Tagaytay and be able to breathe and shout.

  17. I think I need sex.

  18. I wanna go on a food trip!

  19. I will remember this time and phase. You can never rely on anybody except yourself. In this world, you may have a lot of friends, but never expect them to be there for you. I will survive on my own and I will have fun and be happy on my own.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. moodywriter


      You have just proven my point...

    3. AmBoyinManila


      true...why would one wish to make your happiness and worse your existence dependent on others?

    4. AmBoyinManila


      true...why would one wish to make your happiness and worse your existence dependent on others?

  20. I wonder which is more important: the memories of then, the urgency of the now, or the promise of tomorrow.



      “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” - Eckhart Tolle

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