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Status Updates posted by pulchritudinoustimidlady

  1. christmas is fast approaching...any plans??? :)

    1. kalliope


      window shopping all the time and meet with friends, pwede ka ba?

    2. winstonman501


      hmm proly figure out what to buy and stuff and x out some names on the list.lol you?

    3. kardotronix


      hope meet you very soon, and ill be home... kakamis pinas!

  2. :) may i know what's so hard to resist? :P
  3. badly needs luxor for her iphone..help! :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mtcguy


      Hello there. I'm Charles. Was wondering if we can be friends. I really like the way your picture speaks. You look so happy and easy to please. You don't look unfriendly nor do you look complicated. I like that. If you are interested in making friends please drop me a line or two and we can start this friendship rolling. You look like the kind of person I'd like to have for keeps. For some strange reason, you remind me of tinkerbell.



    3. CutYouUp


      i can give u that game :)

    4. docdy


      tnx for addin me up..enjoy the rest of the night!

  4. Hi there...:) thanks for droppin ' by :)

  5. thanks for adding me up! :) howdy? :)

  6. hi there...thanks for droppin' a line :) howdy? :)

  7. hi there..thanks for droppin' a line :) howdy? :)

  8. hello too..thanks for droppin' on my page :)

  9. Hi there...thanks for droppin' a line on my profile.. :) I seldom go online so, sorry for late response.. :) how are you? :)

  10. Hello too...how are you sir? :P thanks for visiting my page :)

  11. hmmm, for the first time, was able to talk on chat feature for alsmot 30 minutes, haha...:) have a great day everybody! :) kisses

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rooney10


      hey there! pulchritudinous.. very fitting!

    3. theLASTGOODboy


      add mo naman ako sa YM dLastGoodBoy@yahoo.com

    4. Sakristan
  12. hi..how are you?thanks for posting on my page and by the way, yep, watched inception already...can u tell me about you?

  13. yup...left number in your mail, even texted but got nothin' :(

  14. messaged u but didn't respond...

  15. noodles, anyone? :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cpcruz2


      hi ashie


      :-) have you seen Inception already?

    3. cpcruz2


      btw ashie, i couldnt use the chat feature. so im postin here. how have you been all these months? :-)

    4. cpcruz2


      add me up on facebook, so we can chat when we're both online :-)


  16. can u tell me about you sir? :)

  17. yepyep :) no prob sir :) how are you? :)

    Ashie :)

  18. u a Katherine Heigl fan or at least watched one of hers? :)

  19. thanks for adding me up sir...

  20. ...and thanks for offering to buy ingredients... :) appreciated.. :) what are your faves?

  21. hiya there...thanks for droppin' by :) anyway, love the Winchester brothers too :)

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