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Posts posted by ivanoinks

  1. One night my ex asked me for a company because she has a problem. As a trying hard superman, at one zip I could be at her side when she’s in need. I immediately went to their place. When I got there she immediately get in to my car. She was in tears. I already had a gut feeling that this is not just a simple problem. I asked her what her problem is but she kept on crying. I was stunned when she told me that she got pregnant by other guy. I didn’t know what to say I’m the first person to know about it. By that time I was still hoping that she would come back to me. I didn’t have an idea that she was seeing another guy. All I thought everything is ok between us, but I didn’t think about it anymore because my major concern now is her sake.

    I also learned that the other guy just used her and ran away from his responsibility. Its hard to imagine how the other person junks what all I am dreaming of. If I were in his shoes, I would be the happiest person in this world.

    At first she wanted an abortion, but I strongly disagreed against it. A mistake cannot be corrected by another mistake. Eventually I made her changed her mind and also convinced her to tell about it to her family.

    I love her so much and maybe I am stupid enough to shoulder her that was why I offered myself to take the responsibility, but she refused it. I asked her if she still loves me. She told me that she just loves me as a friend, she loves the other guy and she would try to fix things up between them. She also told me that there are lots of other girls out there who are more deserving for me. She just needs someone who could listen and give her sympathy. I love the girl; I want to be with her when she needs me, just like I used to do. But this time I can’t stand the situation; it seemed like it was crushing me deep inside. As much as possible I will do anything for her sake, but the pain is killing me.

    We cant be friends because Im so deeply inlove with her, the pain of staying seems greater than the pain of letting go. Up to the last minute I gave her choices, should I stay or should I go? She chose me to go and have separate lives. I really feel bad, because I’m used of being with her when she is needing somebody but now I cant make it at the time that she’s really in need.

    I don’t have a choice but to move on, I should have done this long time ago on our first break up, I was just too stubborn not to realize that things aren’t meant to be for both of us. This time I don’t even have an option to hope for another chance.

    I learned that need is way different from love. Letting go, sometimes means accepting the fact that things aren’t meant to be.



    That sucked bigtime pare, I'm all for you man. You're still willing to be with her in spite of everything she did to you. Pero if I had to give one peace of advice to you, I would say move on and search for happiness.

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