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Posts posted by vampireguy

  1. hello to all.. i have my fone here and its working quite well.. just need to find roms for the emulators kung san puwede mag download.. can anyybody have any info on that.. also have a question.. sa mga may i phone.. has there been a time you cannot connect to a wifi network even though the wifi network is active.. that happened to me once.. dont know if theere is a problem with my phone or is it just a glitch coz i saw laptops conecting with no problems.. if anyone has a similar experience or got around that problem share your infos pls thanks..

  2. There's an icon named "Installer" in your menu, be sure you have a Wifi hotspot nearby. This app is your gateway to the tons of apps availabale to the iPhone



    oh yeah already added some of those.. thanks.. do u have any idea though where i can get additional cool apps, that isnt in the intaller app.. ??

  3. wow, learned lots in this thread, got my i phone just a few weeks ago, and i already tried some of its features.. lots of the disadvantages like no video, no message forwarding, etc though these can be work around by installing freeware apps.. only prob is i hav no time to really look for apps.. so may i ask i phone users out there some apps that they find useful and where to get them and how..:) thanks for the tips much appreciated...

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