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Status Updates posted by sOin2you

  1. You Episode 3, you... Not Today!

  2. You give me sleepless nights... You are starting to conquer my whole being... And it leaves me scared of how exposed my emotion's becoming...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      You are so crazy, Caveman!

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      It's ok! It's normal! I kinda have that effect on the female members of the species. It never ceases to amaze me how I myself get affected whenever I look into a mirror. That's me giving myself a pep talk. Got you!

    4. sOin2you


      Another crazy antic, Mister Caveman...

  3. You gotta prove it, Mailman...

  4. You have to learn to let go of some specially if your hand is full and overflowing already. Remember, you can't just have it all. Ano ka, masyadong gifted?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      Lahat ng milk yata ininom pati yung Ensure. Hahaha... Gandang hapon din :)

    3. jimmy77


      If one's hand is full, the best thing to do is to get another hand.....

    4. sOin2you


      You can only use one hand, because it would have been enough. Getting another hand will let you lose your ego.

  5. You just gotta trust your heart and let go from the things you hold back yourself to. If the take off fails, don't be saddened. The thing is you knew how it felt, you knew where it can bring you, you knew how it affects you. It's being true to yourself in the process that matters.

  6. You kept on popping up, time and again. No more... I'd rather be with a consistent one than someone who's only good with words but never made a show of it.

  7. You learn the art of Poker Face when you're trying to get by with an insensitive and inconsiderate person

  8. You made a mark in my being that very day it was granted

  9. You make it sound so easy...

    1. 2WarningPoints


      Eeaasssyyyy... ;-)

  10. You make me happy

  11. You make me happy

    1. sOin2you


      A very sweet one

  12. You make me smile...

    1. ARIES💋


      swerte naman ni "you" hehe

    2. sOin2you


      I'll tell him that

  13. You may have freed yourself from the prisons of a past relationship, but the next battle is harder because you'll be at war with no one else but yourself...

  14. You never fail to make me smile... Can you make it to everyday?

  15. you really never stopped making me go back to your side... why? you don't need me anymore, right? then why?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sOin2you


      Oh, I'll leave that for Humphrey to decide...


      Or maybe you'll have to supply me with my choice of cake for the whole year round? :P

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Gusto mo ng beefcake?

    4. sOin2you


      Alam mo kung saan yung cake na gusto ko :P

  16. you sure have a way of reminding me.. even torturing me in the earliest hour of the morning..

  17. You surprised me... Really surprised me... I wasn't expecting that.

  18. You will never get the truth out of a Narcissist. The closest you can get is a story that either they're the victim or the hero, but never the villain.

    1. ctc


      Psyche analogy

  19. You. Are. So. Pathetic.

    1. Gravity05


      Bawat word binasa ko sa utak ko ng dahan dahan dahil sa "."

    2. sOin2you


      So that it would really sink in.

  20. You're all mine. In my mind and in my heart, you are mine. I'll be the one to love you and care for you. The only question is that if you'll want this.

    1. Creepy Knight (CK)

      Creepy Knight (CK)

      I guess it depends....

    2. sOin2you


      Depends on what?

    3. Creepy Knight (CK)

      Creepy Knight (CK)

      As what you said, "THE ONLY QUESTION IS THAT IF YOU'LL WANT THIS"...right, so it depends...


  21. You're my wonderwall

  22. Your love is my turning page...Where only the sweetest words remain Every kiss is a cursive line Every touch is a redefining phrase

  23. Your mark has never left me...

  24. your nearness is like a drug that takes me to another height... it excites me endlessly and made me all the more sensitive with the slightest touch of your fingertip... my whole being tremble and it is so hard to contain... releasing it once will never be enough for I will keep on wanting to take it to another height shamelessly...

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