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Status Updates posted by sOin2you

  1. it may take time before i say the words you wanted to hear... but when i finally get to say it, it means you have my heart already...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sOin2you


      Yeah, you're a Caveman...

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      A bastard caveman. Hehe.

    4. sOin2you


      Ipinilit talaga... Hahaha...

  2. it was a revelation...

  3. It was hard leaving my bed early this morning... I miss it now, so much...

  4. It was like a prelude of the past...

  5. it was the same day last year when it started, and it was on the same day that it ended

  6. it will hurt you when you least expect it... but as they say, it's a gamble one has to take.

    1. surface


      Hit or miss...that's what there is to it.

    2. sOin2you


      and there's no backspace for this.

  7. It will never be enough coz I'll always want more of you

  8. It's a pound for pound thingy... So get ready...

  9. It's called intellectual stimulation

  10. It's called Monday fever...

  11. It's good when you're being boring yourself... Intentionally.

  12. It's like, unknowingly, I've reserved myself.exclusively for you. All the others are just plain rocks on the road.

  13. It's Monday and I'm zombie-like

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      Antok eh. Hehehe... Well, not really a morning person.

    3. tog


      hahaha coffee lang yan :)

    4. sOin2you


      Already had 2

  14. It's more than just a physical contact you're having with someone when you're actually making love...

  15. It's not gonna be a good weekend for me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      Can't... Got loads of stuff to do and finish.

    3. Shockers101


      Ouch that is bad just think of it this way...after your done you have one less head ache and you can enjoy what ever is left of the weekend


    4. sOin2you


      I am being optimistic, at my best.

  16. It's not so bad when I got Paulo Avelino pic as my Lock Screen and Home Screen Wallpaper, and my BG for the keyboard... It's not so bad. Not at all.

  17. It's not that things are getting boring. That's probably an insight of others looking from their angle. When in fact, it's actually being in a state of contentment.

  18. It's not to rush things up that's more important...

  19. It's on the Bed where Bad happens. Hahaha.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      Never been good here... LOL

    3. yakikepse


      always the bad one haha

    4. sOin2you


      It's when you try your best to be good, but Bad runs in your blood? LOL

  20. It's quite a rare chance to meet someone that, without words at all, you seem to be drawn to immediately... Without having touched, it seemed like he's in your system already. Rare chance...

  21. It's rare now that a man appreciates a good sunset

  22. It's sad when it's that one person who can make you smile for that day is actually the one who made you cry.

  23. It's true, it's Monday..

  24. It's when I miss you that I'm feeling vulnerable; but my defenses crumble down, all the more when you touch me.

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