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Status Updates posted by sOin2you

  1. In life there are people you'll meet along the way who would ask about your scars because they really want to know you, while others would ask about them and pry it open and even use it against you.

  2. In such weather, and you're wearing white. It's like inviting stains...

  3. Indeed an overtime... Sigh...

  4. insatiable you...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sOin2you


      Oh you can be very entertaining. But in other ways maybe :P

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      If so, I would need a lot of audience participation.

    4. sOin2you


      Bring in the dogs!

  5. Inuman na lang ng mainit na kape ang malamig na Araw ng mga Puso

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sOin2you


      Pumunta ka ng Ortigas. Hahaha

    3. cxxxavier


      Andyan ako last friday, sa may meralco

    4. sOin2you


      Ayun lang... Hindi na ako sa Ortigas eh. Hehehe

  6. Ipa-raffle ang mobile number ko? LOL. Bad...

    1. ctc


      Bgay mo nlng

    2. manoy buknoy

      manoy buknoy

      Samahan mo ng de lata

  7. Is it gonna be another "good" weekend...? Hmmmm...

  8. is someone being turned into a celebrity here? wow! such a comment!

  9. Is this even gonna work?

  10. Isa nanamang mahabang parking area ang Buendia to Shaw (northbound)

  11. Isang araw magkakape din tayo sa dating tambayan... Hahaha...

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. sOin2you


      Wow. Sarap naman nyan...

    3. Wanderer101


      Busog pa ako pero favorite ko ito. Hehe

    4. sOin2you


      Masarap yan madaming repolyo tapos may mais pa. Tapos sawsawan patis at kalamansi... (ginutom ko sarili ko dun)

  12. Isang araw na lang... Kapit lang... (Gusto ko ulitin yung Thor Ragnarock!!!)

    1. Kevin Kwan

      Kevin Kwan

      it was that good a movie, huh?

    2. sOin2you
  13. Isang araw, matututunan ko din bumitaw sa nararamdaman ko sayo.

  14. Isang message lang na kinasakit na agad ng ulo mo...

  15. isolation...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Inmate...am I close?

    3. sOin2you


      Go back to your cave, Caveman :P

    4. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      O sigue na nga...meditation. Muni muni in prison. Close enough?

  16. It can be pretty scary at times when someone offers a hand to pull you out of your cave. You'll never know what's in store for you outside, except.endless promises that it's gonna be good getting out.

  17. It doesn't pay to feel that you can be significant to him when he finds you insignificant for even a little of his time...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sOin2you


      hehehe... in time...

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Make yourself significant. Kick him in the nuts. That will definitely catch his attention.

    4. sOin2you


      i already sent my wish to Santa...

  18. It has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And I realized all the more how "spongy" I am when I lend my ears to my friends. That after telling me about their troubles, I would want to be able to take away a portion of their pain.

  19. It hurts when you're only needed for their convenience

  20. It is the time you waste for your rose that makes your rose so important

    1. DyosangLigaw


      love that line...

  21. it is when i thought i've stopped... it is when i thought i've changed... it is... how does one know that one has stopped and that one has changed, when it's still the same old path you're walking on and the same ground you're standing on...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sOin2you


      naliligaw ka nanaman eh...

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      New language for me. I communicate using cave paintings.

    4. sOin2you


      Oh yeah, the Caveman!

  22. it just gets harder and harder... and it feels like each hour is another mile of being far from you... my heart yearns for you, but i have no right... i just have no right...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. sOin2you


      Oo na... Oo na...

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Btw. What gets harder and harder? Whenever I translate that phrase into caveman language via cave painting, I can only think of one thing to portray it. It's not pretty, but it certainly looks functional.

    4. sOin2you


      You look over to your left, there might be an answer somewhere.

  23. it may be that easy for you to just be silent, but i can't... help me understand, please...

    1. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Silence is also good especially when meditating like what I have been doing, "sooooo in to yoooou" x 1000000.

    2. sOin2you


      wow... that's way much for a meditation...

  24. it may take time before i say the words you wanted to hear... but when i finally get to say it, it means you have my heart already...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sOin2you


      Yeah, you're a Caveman...

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      A bastard caveman. Hehe.

    4. sOin2you


      Ipinilit talaga... Hahaha...

  25. it was a revelation...

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