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Status Updates posted by sOin2you

  1. I wish to be the one holding your heart right now...

  2. I won't last a day without you

  3. I wonder if there's a school para matuto ka manghula or magdecode ng meaning ng text message. Yung pag sinabing "kakain muna..." ang ibig palang sabihin is pauwi na or papunta somewhere...

  4. I would have appreciated the weather more had I been given the chance to extend staying on bed for the morning...

  5. I would like to hope that traffic won't get in the way with a day constricted with time for making it from one meeting to another...

  6. I would love to have a black cat... A black Persian cat...

  7. I would love to have a heated argument with you. Rake through your brain to stimulate and fuel it more. Yes, that's how I want it...

  8. I would love to see the moon tomorrow... San ba ok yung viewing?

  9. I wouldn't want you to mind the limits... For I'm not restricting myself of what I feel for you...

  10. I-L-Y ... Inuuto Lang You ... Boom!

  11. I'll dive my nose again on the pages of Sundays at Tiffany's... gives that good feel and the giggles of a kid...

  12. I'll have to break the jar later...

  13. I'll have to deal with the fact that it'll never be me.

    1. sOin2you


      Nope, not that guy.

  14. I'll soon avail that leave...

    1. cxxxavier


      You need to...

    2. sOin2you


      Sobra. Hindi na talaga healthy.

  15. I'm all cried out...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      Nah, puro nga ako lamon ng crab eh. Hehehe...

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Sabi ko fibre. Greens.

    4. sOin2you


      Ako nga eh ang puro crab...

  16. I'm feeling sleepy... And he's been trying to keep me awake with his text messages reminding of our previous sexy time... He did manage to keep me awake, but now I'm H. LOL

  17. I'm going back to the old road I know, and will leave some stuff behind..

  18. I'm gonna start using my hashtag before the year ends. Because #ThisIsMy2016 ...

  19. I'm nearly finishing half of the oyster cake... Ano kaya mangyayari nito? LOL

    1. cxxxavier


      Masarap ba yung oyster mo?

    2. sOin2you


      Masarap yung oyster cake ng Maki Haus

  20. I'm never really a fan of this weather...

    1. Queen Darkeinjel
    2. sOin2you


      Ang init... Yoko ng ganito

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      sobra. pero weird sa gabi medyo malamig na.

  21. I'm not gonna ask again if I should or if I can go. It doesn't call for any condition. I stay because I want to with no conditions.

  22. I'm not really a fan of summer :(

  23. i'm not sure though if you'll still be calling or talking to me after what i've told you..

  24. I'm not the kind of friend who'll encourage one to stay in a relationship specially when you cried over his negligence to your relationship.

  25. I'm so into my white nail polish... Loving it.

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