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Status Updates posted by sOin2you

  1. i guess the how and the why were left to be unidentified.. but the who whom the how and why applies to is very evident....

  2. I had an early gift for myself... Let's just say that it's not a planned gift, but it was somehow worth it. Next year na nga lang yung gusto ko talaga. Hahaha...

  3. I hate it when people see me cry because they might assume it for being weak. Yet often times I wave it off because it's also to show that you're human.

  4. i hate the distance. i hate the time. i hate it that i miss you this much. i hate it coz i want you here but i know i can't.

  5. I hope there'll be a good sunset later. Just to end it good for 2017.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sOin2you


      Happy Three Kings then :) But there was no good sunset :(

    3. Mango Man
    4. sOin2you


      Buti nga hindi ako tumuloy eh. So how's the new year treating you?

  6. I hope there's a good sunset for later

  7. I just fall in love again...

  8. I just wanna cuddle...

  9. I just want to be anywhere for the weekend...

  10. I just want to feel it all over again...

  11. i love the rain...

    1. zyalik


      can i meet you up miss, or get your #?

    2. sOin2you
  12. i may have walked different roads to get here, but it's still the same old me in here...

    1. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      That's what I like about you. That it is still you all these years. It has been 45 years we've been friends right? Oops! Erase, erase!

    2. sOin2you


      Hush...! You're giving me away :P

  13. I might be going down with a fever...

  14. I might need my mojito now... Stress

  15. i miss listening to hybrid theory.. back in the mode..

    1. cocoy0


      linkin park fan eh?

    2. sOin2you


      yeah... and a little of the others too...

  16. I miss my leisure spa moments... Foot pampering, Body Scrub, and that Body Massage...

  17. I miss Tagaytay na...

    1. SIGN OFF

      SIGN OFF

      Me too hehe, keep safe po muna..

    2. sOin2you


      Yeah. Tiis muna...

  18. I miss Tagaytay...

  19. I miss teasing you...

  20. I miss that long trip...

  21. I miss the drive while my hand's on your nape caressing it, and my fingers twirling your hair, as I gaze long at you... Like an invisible camera, I take a picture of you and keep that photo in my mind, and in the treasure chest inside my heart...

  22. I miss you B...

    1. Kevin Kwan
    2. manoy buknoy

      manoy buknoy

      Si Buknoy manoy ba yan hehe

  23. i miss you... so dearly much, i miss you...

  24. i miss you...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sOin2you


      How does one get in there? Hard entrance exam?

    3. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      I thought you studied there too?

    4. sOin2you


      I won't fit there so it's not my turf...

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