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Posts posted by bakal357

  1. Groin strain (Taekwondo)

    Pulled Hamstrings (Taekwondo)

    Fractured Navicular Bone (Basketball)

    Fractured Clavicle (Basketball)

    Broken Ribs (Taekwondo)

    Bruised Ribs (BJJ)

    Sprained Ankles (Marathon training)

    Dislocated Shoulder (Downhill Mountain Bike)

  2. Shin Splints :angry:


    flat footed kasi ako. wacko.gif


    Shin Splints is caused by heel striking when running. Flat footed din naman ako... I used to suffer from shin splints, but I changed my running techniques and focused more on midfoot striking rather than heel striking. Try midfoot striking when running... hope this helps

  3. Heel Spurs due to Plantar Fasciatis (6 weeks in crutches) = Sept.2013


    Severe Leg and Thigh Cramps = La Union Unity Marathon 3 21K run (I was crying already in the last 2K of the race, vomiting water as well.)


    Hip Cramps = 1st Taal 360 25K Trail Challenge (later I found out it was hypertension medication that caused my cramping)


    Swollen Ankles = RUPM 2014 21K run (I wasn't leaning from the ankles, mali ang technique ko.)

  4. Companyera y Companyera...


    Kindly help me in drafting a service contract for "promodisers". just starting the pratice. I am still groping in the dark... as to service contracts... kindly pm na lang or email me bakal357@yahoo.com... thanks

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