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Posts posted by x2fursy

  1. I know you have someone else in your life

    I know I can face this challenge in life

    Yet why am I crying softly fighting the very tears that wants to roll down my eyes

    I can't believe i was foolish to believe in that I stood a chance.

    You told me you thought that it would work out between us and you never lead me on, yet why I do feel that I have been made a fool.

    I've been a fool for loving you.

    I wish I could just end my life yet, what's the point.

    I doubt you would be there.

    Being your friend is the most painful thing that I have heard from you.

    I just wish you would rip my chest open and pull my heart out and let it end.

    In short I want you to end my life cause I feel so lost without you... :( :( :(

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