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Posts posted by deep_penetration_agent

  1. range would be from 8,000 to 15,000 depends on the position of the third molar....

    if patient would want to have it done in the hospital consider the cost of hospitalization and pf of anesthesiologist...

    we need to see the xrays before we could give you the exact cost....

    till next time.....




    silverapollo and kingpopoy, thanks for your feedback. i think if it would cost him 50K or less, he would go for it :) airfare from where he is located cost 60K, so it would be like getting a trip home + surgery for the same cost

  2. I'm posting this in behalf of a friend of mine.


    Does anybody know the cost of Oral Surgery in the Philippines?


    He's having six (yes six!) surgicall extracted - 4 wisdom tooth and 2 molars


    He is based overseas but he's thinking of doing it on Manila, where he is right now it's going to cost him PhP 110K for the surgeon's and anaesthetic fee alone!


    Anybody knows how the price range of oral surgeons for this sort of operation cost?


    If anybody can recommend a surgeon, that would be great too :)



  3. I think you need to give this a lot of thought. Is your fused hip giving you any significant problem that you are entertaining the thought of having it converted to a THR because if you are very functional already as it is, you may want to delay the procedure for as long as possible. This is because if you undergo a THR now, the clock will start ticking for the implant (because it will eventually wear out and fail) and you WILL BE NEEDING REVISION SURGERY in around 15 to 20 years perhaps entailing replacement of the entire implant. Thus we advise our patients to have this type of surgery done at the latest possible time without significantly sacrificing the patient's comfort and function.


    That being said, you will probably be needing what arthroplasty surgeons call a FULLY UNCEMENTED SYSTEM OF IMPLANT which, depending on the brand will cost between Php100,000 to 150,000 at its base cost without hospital surcharges. The professional fees, hospital expenses, surcharges and other costs will depend on the orthopedic surgeon and the hospital where you decide to be admitted. In the charity setting in a hospital like PGH, you will only be spending for the implant and the needs for the surgery (implant cost + around Php10 to 15,000). In the private setting, depending on the hospital, you'll be in the 300k to 500k price range. You'll also need to set aside some money for postoperative physical therapy which will be quite intensive considering you've lived on a fused hip for around 20 years and it's going to be a while before you build up enough muscle and retrain yourself to live with a new mobile hip.


    Hi hint-of-lime,


    Thank you very for taking time to reply, I really-really do appreciate it. Sorry it took me a while to reply back.


    The main reason I have decided to consider THR is my 11 month old son. At my current fused hip, it's difficult to take care of a baby this small and there are things that we can't do as a family that would be possible given more flexibility on my legs. There's also work opportunities, discrmination is illegal anywhere, but it's inevitable that a person with walking impairment like myself to miss the short-list due to my "imperfection".


    Yes I've done some research before and I'm aware that THR components has a shorten life span, but I think in my personal circustance, the risk outweighs the benefit.


    Thanks again.

  4. Hi All,


    I just thought someone on the forum can point me on the right direction (perhaps give some insights).


    I'm on my mid 30s and currently have a fused hip, been like this for 20 years (long story) now and I'm thinking of having it converted to a "ball and socket" - i.e have a Total Hip Replacement. I'm still on early stages of planning and was just wondering if anybody here could give a "ball park" figure of the cost. I understand every case is different and ofcourse, doctor's fee varies... but I would be happy for a "range" value.


    Honestly, I've been wondering if this sort of operation would be on the "300K range" or "500K and above" range or somewhere in between...


    Any orthopedic surgeons out there? please?


    Many thanks

  5. how much rate if 24 hours kung yung kukunin ko na rum e may bathtub..tnx



    I would suggest going for a cheap hotel instead kung 24 hours din habol mo, normally cost around 1.2T to 1.5T overnight na yun

  6. go to watsons...u'll find lubricants there...



    hmmm.... you mean thos KY Jelly stuff right? I heard about those, just wondering if there's a very effective one =).


    but thanks for the tip, didn't know you can buy those off the shelf at watson. I used to buy them overseas...

  7. not sure if off-topic but ah... well need some advice here


    ano ba magandang lubricant para madali ang process ng "initiation" ng virgin ?


    I just f#&ked one last time, medyo disapointing kasi di ako ready sa "tools" eh hehe. Preparing for the next encounter, not the same lady though :rolleyes:


    Any body ???

  8. Jopoc's observation is very true, collection agencies can get very desperate by doing sly stuff to get their debtors to pay. Among others, they threaten a debtor with a criminal suit, which inappropriate given the nature of the problem. Unfortunately for Creditor banks, most of the debts are civil in nature and therefore will not merit the criminal case and the warrants that they bring. Worse, the debts are below the 100,000 pesos threshold which would not be worth one's day in court. A civil case runs into at least P 200,000 pesos under today's legal fees, so these guys resort to weird stuff. I'm not encouraging anyone to be a deadbeat (or balasubas in our language) because it makes the cost of credit, which we all pay, very high. But these are the facts of life my friends. :zorro:


    In behalf of my friend, thank you very much vincechase for taking time to reply to this inquiry.


    Yes true enough it's a credit card thing. Personally, I cant believe the government tolerates this sort of collection practice inspite of BSP's circular 454 whic specifically states such actions is deemed un-acceptible.

  9. Hello all.


    It's been a while since I posted on this thread, hope somebody could enlighten me on this...


    Is there anyway one can check if there's a pending warrant of arrest / criminal or civil case filed against him/her?


    A good friend of mine is currently overseas, he left a couple of bank debts back in PH last year and is wondering if he'll get into any trouble if he gets back. On a side note, he said in good faith, he would settle his obligations when he's ready, he was just discouraged by the harassments thus cut-off of communciation to the banks... now he's wondering if those institutions actually sued him...


    I suggested he hire an attorney prior to visiting manila to do the check for him, Im not 100% confident with the my advice though..


    Are there any lawyers out there who provide this kind of service?



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