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Posts posted by Misteriosa

  1. trip uli.....


    wasted........................ next with my office buddy ..................... and finally with my with my better half :)

    http://photobucket.com/albums/c293/silent_wuvver/th_058.jpg http://photobucket.com/albums/c293/silent_wuvver/th_009.jpg http://photobucket.com/albums/c293/silent_wuvver/th_0102206004.jpg

  2. patanong ako kaibigan :D hahahaha!!!


    sinong :mtc: member gusto mo kalaro (one on one) sa



    chinese garter



    chinese checkers


    limbo rock

    bato bato pick

    pitik bulag

    tumbang preso


    at baket?? :lol:

  3. love can never come in a jiffy... it is developed and nurtured.....


    believing that a person loves you even if he hasnt seen u or hasnt been with u would be a big bullsh*t...


    "LOVE" is an easy avenue to get laid especially for men...... sad but true... some women could be so gullible... :cry:

  4. How very right! And i am moving on right now! Ah well mike darling...ive missed you and thought that friendship is the best for the two of us but i think we can never really honestly be friends...I guess goodbye is the best thing for you and me!


    Atta girl!! :) After sometime, I've thought of befriending the man I was referring to in my previous post... but I guess seeing him again would just remind me how less of a person i''ve been..... maybe in another lifetime..... I still cherish the moments we had together but that's just that... nothing more nothing less.....

  5. YES... cried... knelt down... BEGGED!!! but all to no avail...... swallowed all my pride.... even my self respect.....


    after that it was really hard picking up the pieces of my roken self and putting them back again.......


    howell... ive learned my lesson... a man who truly loves u wouldnt let you beg..... he wouldnt even make u cry....he wont shatter u into pieces but instead make u complete... make u whole....

  6. wtg, girl!!!



    :) bad trip lang.. some guys would still involve emotions just to have s*x kakainis no?!!! pwede namang sabihing yun lang..... why not have a clear set-up?? no feelings involved.....


    ano ba akala ng guys???? WE NEED LOVE TO BE IN LUST??!!!! pwede namang wala.... but I'm not saying na laging wala....


    if we can have a choice we'd rather do it because of love but let's face the fact that this thing happens and oftentimes it's purely because of lust.....

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