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Posts posted by hayati

  1. ms hayati, my advice if he's going to break you up, its should be cut clean no ifs and buts... he is just extending his pleasure to being with you. its a lot of crap saying extending one's relationship for a month?? when you say its a relationship you're expect to work it out for the best and weather all storms. the guy is obviously not in love with you just using you. you know me personally, sometimes you need to look outside the box in order to be able to assess your situation. Friends are here to support in you every endeavor in life but it is still you who needs to make the final decision. hope that you can heed my words, coz you know me better.


    para d OT.. I broke up with my wife coz she fell in love with another man (Napakaskit, Kuya Eddie) :cry: :cry:



    its too much to judge that he is just USING me and extending his PLEASURE...excuse me??????? no one knows what weve been through and how we fought for this.... its just US and CLOSE FRIENDS..... you dont know the whole story..... :)


    and i didnt say that were extending the relationship for a month.... i said he will be staying here for another month and its for work reasons... its not yet sure if he is gonna be engaged.... no plans yet.... just a "Might"


    lets not judge people THAT MUCH..... thanks!!!

  2. it doesn't matter who's gonna kick someone else's ass first.

    its about who will have a better life later on.


    dude, there's nothing to worry about! there's a lot out there much better than him... PLUS with more supportive mums. :thumbsupsmiley:

    slow down, loosen up and enjoy the ride... :cool:



    hmm.... yeah... good point... tnx man... i appreciate it..

  3. hi im new here.... were still together but after 2 months WE HAVE TO break up.... culture gap.... as always...

    His mother is forcing him to get engage on June ( so he could get rid of me).... whew... im really out of my senses now.... My friends are telling me to kick off his ass now before he kick mine.... I cant.... I still want to hold on... hold on for nothing.... im so scared...

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