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Status Updates posted by migzmadrid

  1. I've added you on my friends list already. Coffee soon? Let me know... 09052218262

  2. Just came across your post again and would like to ask if you were serious about trying out other, uh, men? If you'd like to be discreet about it, I'd like to explore this with you.

    Text me if you dare? 09175569893.

    Hope to hear from you. We could just have coffee first and see where we go from there?

  3. Nice share, Hubb. Can I ask for the opportunity to share you rwife with you sometime? Fetish ko kasi yung married eh.

  4. Sir, can you send details and maybe pictures to my email? migzmadrid@live.com

    Am truly interested.


  5. Sir, I am interested in Zumi. I'm 39, a lawyer by profession and based in Singapore for work but come home every other month. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Sir, I am interested in Zumi. I'm 39, a lawyer by profession and based in Singapore for work but come home every other month. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks for adding me up. Can you PM me your mobile number, if you feel up to it?

  8. Your last post on the "greatest... you've ever had" was great! I'll be in Manila soon, hope tO see you then - FINALLY!

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