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Posts posted by IdealGuy

  1. little prince!!!! by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



    I love that book. First time I read it was when I was a teenager. Thought it made a pretty nice story. Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize now that that book teaches a lot about relationships. Simple yet profound. My favorite part is the one with the fox explaining to the prince how friendships start. And how the fox just poured out his heart and said,"..Tame me.."


    Quite sad how they parted, though. Highly recommended.

  2. So what works for you then? :)


    As for me, I just take vitamin C and drink plenty of water! (at least 8 glasses a day) I am not sickly.. kung uso ang sipon, lahat sila may sipon, ako na lang ang wala. :P


    By the way, any of you heard that vitamin C whitens skin? I've read somewhere that if you take 1000 iu a day, it will whiten your skin.  Wala lang.  :rolleyes:



    Moderation always works for me. Moderate fat, moderate, carbs, moderate protein, proper supplementation (a bit of vitamins and minerals here and there), Exercise and rest. And I feel great! :D

  3. Pharmaton and Closivol is considered as drugs or medicine and not nutrition. A person can definately experience some side-effects if these product on a daily basis. However it is ok to consume it once a while.


    Vitamins are usually extracted chemically. And when it is in PURE form is actally Pro-Oxidant and not AntiOxidant. Sometimes we think that we are taking a certain kind of vitamins in these products. However i also forget that we are also taking in chemicals.


    Best source of vitamins is still fruits and vegs. Which you can take in any amount without worrying of any side effect. Besides that fruits and vegs contains other minerals , vitamins and other nutrients as well. There is no lable to say that you can only take 1 orange or 1 mango a day on the fruits itself. Wholesome food is still the best.


    But can we drink one or 2 bottles of these products a day? I dont think anyone will dare to do that. Why not? Since everyone thinks its healthy.


    Natural and Safe is not nessesary Healthy.



    Ah ok. I guess we belong to different schools of nutrition. Which is pretty normal. Most well-known "nutrition gurus" around the world today still disagree on a lot of things concerning proper diet. Some say food pyramid is best, some say high protein- low carb work best, some say 30-30-40 rule, etc. The bottomline would be look at the results of the one championing their philosophy. If the nutritionist or doctor is perfectly fit and healthy, my guess is that his diet works. if he's weak and sickly, his diet obviously doesn't work. :)

  4. Is anyone here a haciendero or knows someone who has a farm or orchard? I have access to technology that will cut down their cost by half andeven increase their production by 20%!!! With no additonal capital!!! Once they see this, they will never say no.

    For every successful deal we will get P30,000 each for every 100hectares of land. So the bigger the land area, the higher the commission. 1000 hectares will give us P300,000 each! How about 10000 hectares? A cool P3M. Easiest money you will ever get in your life.


    PM me for more info.

  5. Is anyone here a haciendero or knows someone who has a farm or orchard? I have access to technology that will cut down their cost by half andeven increase their production by 20%!!! With no additonal capital!!! Once they see this, they will never say no.

    For every successful deal we will get P30,000 each for every 100hectares of land. So the bigger the land area, the higher the commission. 1000 hectares will give us P300,000 each! How about 10000 hectares? A cool P3M. Easiest money you will ever get in your life.


    PM me for more info.

  6. Is anyone here a haciendero or knows someone who has a farm or orchard? I have access to technology that will cut down their cost by half andeven increase their production by 20%!!! With no additonal capital!!! Once they see this, they will never say no.

    For every successful deal we will get P30,000 each for every 100hectares of land. So the bigger the land area, the higher the commission. 1000 hectares will give us P300,000 each! How about 10000 hectares? A cool P3M. Easiest money you will ever get in your life. :)


    PM me for more info.

  7. why don't you just go to powerbooks... you can have a private reading while having your coffee, pasta or cake...


    basically any book from

    1. jeffrey archer

    2. gabriel garcia marquez

    3. robert ludlum

    4. hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy (tnx tri)

    5. harry potter series



    do you guys actually have an EB??? can't we have one??? over coffee... best way to talk about a lot of things..

    Hey that's a great idea![/size]


    Come on, people, let's organize a book lovers' EB! It will be like a mini gathering of intellectuals who know how to have fun. Hindi puro brainless partying and booze lang, right? I can even show you some books that I'd personally recommend to you. (Side note: has anyone here read any work from Anthony Robbins? Gosh, what a great motivator and life changer!)

    I think it'd be great fun! I suggest it be held at a not too noisy and crowded place in QC.

    What do you people think? :cool:

  8. necro, were u able to find my handle here? :)


    ideal guy, nice idea, I wish i could borrow ur book about huma, want to read more about him, have u read the 5th age yet?

    Since nabanggit na naman Dragon Lance...


    Alam nyo ba title ng book tungkol sa mga anak nila? May nakwento sa akin dati na meron daw, but I forgot the details... names ng characters, title ng book etc.

    Sorry dude, haven't read any book from the 2nd generation. I just get sentimental about it. Feeling ko kasi, the best of Dragonlance is ended after the 1st generation. I could be wrong, though. :unsure:

  9. B)

    Just wondering. read a book on the second generation of the twins you know raistlin and camaron. well could not find a second book

    You may have been confused there, Caramon and Raistlin ARE the first generation twins. The second book you're referring to might be Time of The Twins, right?

    Teka, don't you hang out at the KAMANAVA thread? Baka neighbors lang tayo, I can loan you the book if you want.

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