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Posts posted by ckgo

  1. i always try to remember

    ...everybody doesnt have to love me. i dont necessary like everyone i know so why should everybody else like me? i dont need approval all the time. if someone does not approve of me, i will still be okay.

    ...its important to try. avoiding a task doesnt give me any opportunity for success but trying does. things worth having are things worth the effort. i might not be able to do everything but i can do something.

    ...i can handle it when things go wrong. things usually just go fine but when they dont, i can handle it. the sky wont fall in and things will be alright.

    ...i can be flexible. there's more than one way to do something. theres no one and only 'best' way.

  2. I have seen this in the movies. Girl meets boy. boy has another girl. Girl 1 dies. Boy feels guilty. Makes a new name just to hide his shame for breaking girl 1's heart. Wait you want me to put your name here? :)

  3. why do you keep pretending to be some good guy when all you actually did was help me make her more miserable?

    i love your style.

    you are pretty good.

    i also think that you are pretty stupid and gay at the same time.

    messing around with a girl like that? she's a poor defenseless chick or chiq as her handle would spell it.

    you oughta be ashamed of yourself. it's not everyday you grow a conscience.


    peace out!

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