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Status Updates posted by jakeyjunkie

  1. Everyone is just way too h*rny to be f*cked. After all, everyone's favorite topic is about themselves.

  2. I'm almost finished with my 24 lessons of violin. Should I join a band now?

  3. Katulad lang din nila ako. :P

  4. MAN LAW for the ladies: If we ask you if you're okay and you say yes, then we will act as if everything is okay. We know you're lying. It's just isn't worth the hassle.

  5. Nami-miss na kita. Bago na pala number ko.

  6. Question me again, and I'm gonna put you on Sting detail. And I promise I'm gonna make it easy for you.

  7. Sa mga nagsasabing "End of the World" na: Utang na loob, walang makakapagsabi kung kelan matatapos ang mundo. 'Wag kayong excited.

  8. Thank you for reading my blog. Been looking for cool conversations over coffee as well. Cheers. :)

  9. The man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her the opportunity to choose him.

  10. The more you know, the more you know you don't know.

  11. To get a woman, you always have to be willing to risk losing her.

  12. You has a barfday! :)

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