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Posts posted by huskie04

  1. yey! the rockets won tonight... against the sorry bulls, though... not so proud of it... but oh well...


    tmac needs to rest and heal up... no more injuries... he's too valuable to just be sitting on the sidelines most of the season... arrrgh!

  2. arrrrrghhhhh!


    i just came back from watching the game (vs. magic)... the rockets lost again! grrrrrrrrr!


    most people didn't leave 'cos we all thought we'd get past them... they were coming back during the last couple of minutes (which is not surprising)... but they still lost!




    ... dooling just kept shooting over yao, man! how irritating is that?

  3. yeap... francis played lots of times o'ready...!


    i don't understand... rockets has a strong team... their bench players are reliable (supposed to be)... their starters are great...! i don't understand why they keep losing to a bunch of sorry teams!



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