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Status Updates posted by twintwin

  1. @bicolana like i said let the girls post it. like fb acct.. anytime they can deactivate it if they dont want it anymore. unlike posting it here in mtc.. you cannot delete it if you want to. like ASAP. like ms.blessie.. she is indeed surprised to see her face being posted here.,in this THREAD. you get me sir/ma'm? it will take some time for your pics to be deleted here in MTC.

  2. Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.

  3. before the MP closed, there were no holidays.. very strict and we are not allowed to absent from work without a valid reason(sick/emergency).. now,, i guess this is the perfect time to take a rest and have a vacation.

    if it does not open anymore.. then it is time for me to move on, and get a real office job.

    thanks for your time everyone. but im not interested to go out. Good day.

  4. i dont go out guys,, i will wait for the massage parlor to open. thanks. handle our MPAs with care thanks.. no im not aya btw.

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