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Posts posted by Jarkeld

  1. this got to be the most sensual movie i ever seen and that includes porn.

    kakaiba ito sa lahat. plus this movie as an overall is amazing.


    i miss the 70s/80s movie era. simply the best


    The ones from "Hotbabes Gone Wild" liked the stories... :thumbsupsmiley: ei, by the way, I saw them the movies available here:




    Found some oldies but goodies here as well :upside:

  2. They fear being alone...

    They are scared of enduring the pain of loss...

    They don't think that there is no other woman/ man who will accept them like the partner they are emotionally blackmailing as of the moment...

    They are selfish people who only look out for their own satisfaction...


    Overall they are pitiful beings... <_<


    I can say this because I was once like this :wacko:


    Yep! I was very thankful for my friend who got tired of me doing this and knocked my head with a two by four...


    Dang! It worked!!! The only drawback is the pain after waking up... :blink: Thanks bro! I really needed that!


    It took me a while to build up my self coz they really think I was a basketcase.... :wacko: come to think of it, I was close to one :rolleyes:

    I used to make excuses like I'm a lonely guy... nobody would accept me... yada.. yada... but at the end of it all, you are just being plainly selfish... not to mention a moron to say the least... I learned my lesson (yup! I can always feel that bump that my friend gave me :upside: ) And for those who are trying this unacceptable thing to your partner or would be ex, please... don't be selfish... :) I promised to myself that I would help other people in this predicament... Remember just give me a call & I'll bring that two by four that saved my life... who knows... it might save another nutcase... ;) Good eve!!!

  3. Tolerate :cool: but as an educator (luckily I'm not right now) it is a curse that you need to bear. Having your GF/BF in class as a student is the most difficult thing! I know coz I've been there. Grading, recitation, even with the delivery of the lesson... It's very very difficult... Focus naturally goes out of the window if this happens :wacko:

  4. I was a teacher for 7 years (that was 5 months ago before I got out of the f#%&ing goverment education system :grr: ) I taught Computer courses, photoshop, video editing, and programming. :D Teaching is a good profession, it only gets ugly once the system influences it. :thumbsdownsmiley:

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