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Posts posted by topak

  1. Well, I am used to dining alone, going to bars alone, watching movies alone etc. It won't make you look pathetic. Not at all times that there would be someone with us if we want to chill out and have fun. Girls who go out alone looks more independent, tougher and hotter. ;)


    i fully agree :thumbsupsmiley:

  2. even if an updated firmware has been released, not all regional versions come out at the same time. usually euro versions get updated first, then the other regions are released in the following weeks. branded firmwares, i.e., voda, O2, etc., take ages if at all.


    in any case it doesn't hurt to try although generally, if you check on the phone and it tells you that you have the latest version it probably means that the version for your region is still in the works.

  3. it might be the data account you're using. don't know about globe, but if you're on smart, create a new data account called "internet', then in the settings, just enter "internet" as the APN and save the account.


    next, create an "internet" profile that uses the data account you just created, and select it as the default profile beore running Software Update.


    the difference with an internet APN is that it goes directly to the web, as opposed to using the standard SmartGPRS setting which goes thru the WAP gateways first and often interferes with the Update process.

  4. firmware updates generally provide some improvements and bug fixes, e.g., a bug fix for the call list problem mentioned above. however, if you're happy with your current setup and don't experience any problems, then there is no rush to do an update.


    although one of the K800 updates improves battery management so...

  5. Finally decided to buy one for myself after mulling it over for two weeks. I'm pretty happy with it. I guess this is the start of my dissing Nokia for SE.


    It's too bad that 1GB M2 cards aren't available yet here in KSA, I had to settle for 512MB instead. :(


    I just noticed though, when you connect the headset and start moving around the menu using the joystick there seems to be a static (barely audible but I am meticulous :P) coming out of the earphones. Is this normal? :unsure:



    welcome to the world of SE! :cool:


    re the static noise with the joystick, no that's not normal. what i would do is to get it checked at the place you bought it. if it's under warranty, then there should be no problem getting it repaired or replaced.


    re the 256MB M2, i believe they are going now for around 2k +/- in virra mall.

  6. i have one and i think it's just great. it's an excellent evolution of the K750i with a very high-end feel to it in terms of assembly quality and implementation of its features.


    one feature that wasn't improved from the K750 tho is the video recording quality. it's not bad by any means but it was not brought up to W900 standards. but the emphasis of SE for this model is still images. there is speculation that they are reserving the top quality video recording for a different model. but if you don't really record that much video, then it's no big deal.


    playing video is very good tho.


    the only complaint i have is that i'm getting impatient for the larger memory sticks to arrive because of the new format (M2). the largest right now is 1GB although the 2GB stick should be released by the end of the year.


    there are a lot of comprehensive reviews of the phone on the net. you can start by checking this one out:



  7. Live pics of the US version. that front grille just looks a little strange to me...









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