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Status Updates posted by perverto

  1. noOOoooooooOOoo I'm innocent! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. perverto


      hehe noted ma'am...pero yung message ko kasi was about meeting up another friend for a drink tapos sabi ko miss ko na sya then ayun na send dun sa number nung other girl which apparently is a common friend of ours..hala! :D

    3. triathlete


      pervy, kamusta na ?


    4. perverto


      Tri pare It's been ages kumusta na? hehe eto same old balik mtc ulit ako para mawala konti work stress hehe...We should hang out again whenever possible bro. Nagkita kami ni Maddie last week lang. We miss you guys!

  2. sigh...nuthin much to do on a long rainy weekend ;/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. perverto


      Oh oo nga pala Hangover 2...I need to see that today palabas pa kaya? It's good walang pasok ngayon pwede pa tumambay. :D

    3. damnhot2128


      It was showing p khapon sa powerplant,market market and glorietta pero and eastwood..check click the city :) it's soo good!!

    4. perverto


      yup! It's still there at Eastwood..I saw the first movie too. :)

  3. what's down? ;D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. perverto


      haha nope!..what's down is something i see every morning :D

    3. angel_dust


      what's down is something way south. HAHAHA


    4. perverto


      what's down is what makes us happy Morning, noon and night time :D

  4. nakakatamad pumasok pero wala akong No choice...mababawasan ang beer funds ;\

    1. perverto


      tara liltits mamam na tayo bago ako mag gym haha:D

    2. perverto


      cge orange juice na lang sayo o kaya kafeeee :D


    3. perverto


      haha cge kafeeee na laang since yun ang favorite drink mow :D

  5. What's on your mind? :)

    1. ma-kewl-lit


      coooooolit...alive and kicking na ulit ako with my original account...:)

    2. ma-kewl-lit


      coooooolit...alive and kicking na ulit ako with my original account...:)

    3. perverto


      Hello kulit! It's been a while ah, musta? :)

  6. hinahanap-hanap ko ang hangover....Finally I have it again :D

    1. perverto


      haha that was 2 days ago pero kanina pinauwi kami ng maaga kaya ayun 6pm pa lang solve na kooooo :D enjoy your weekend letkuuu ;)

    2. perverto


      Happy long weekend din sayo letkuuuu :D


  7. Steady Sunday lang...bawal ang masipag :D

    1. damnhot2128


      LOL my sentiments exactly :)

    2. perverto


      Hello there beautiful!;) Today's a perfect day for de-stressing...ano kayang makain? haha :D

  8. smart drinking tonight kulang budget eh :D

    1. damnhot2128


      it's still 'drinking' which is better than nothing i guess haha. cheers!

    2. perverto


      bottomless margarita and nachos @ Agave is the way to go deary tara! hehe! ;)

  9. ...listening to good music and chill with dead people. ;)

    1. ma-kewl-lit


      happy new year koolitz...:)

    2. perverto


      Happy new year din! :)

  10. listening to Metal songs in the morning makes me strong and healthy :D

    1. perverto


      haha tama ka dun alarm clock ko minsan yung song na "piss angel" ng PIG DESTROYER :D

  11. Ang trabaho ko for today ay mag Log in at mag Log out sa oracle timecard hehe :P

    1. perverto


      ...same status applies for this week :D

  12. Lassssshhhheeennnggg na namaaaaan!!! ;D

    1. perverto


      ayoko nga eh ampait naman ksi....yung mga alak ang sunud ng sunod sakeeeeeennn!! :P

  13. Mga beer friends sorry jan muna kayo sa ref tonight! :D

    1. perverto


      hahaha Oo di ako naka reply sayo last night nalunod ako sa bottomless Margarita eh...How's your Friday Letkuuu? ;)

  14. bro sa gourmet meal ka pala natambay ah heheheee....wazap?? :)

  15. hello princess-sophia mind if i drop in? ;) ...

    hope all is well with you...stay scorchin! :D

  16. hello miss sophia...mind if I drop in? :D

  17. hello there miss...just peeking through..whew hot! :P

  18. hi miss chinits...enjoy ur weekend be safe always :)

  19. wats down parekoy? nalilibang lang ako sa bagong upgrade na site hehehe :D

  20. zup parekoy? ;) di ako maka login sa FB kaya dito ako napadpad hehehe :D

  21. Hello ganda, ala bang Poke button dito? hehehe! :D

  22. ellow miss cutie!...droppin by ur cute profile page :) hope all is well with you...

  23. happy birthday apple!...more good stuff comin your way!..be safe always!

  24. hello beautiful! Hope I can get to know you more as we get along...enjoy your day! ;)

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