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Posts posted by manyaque

  1. @chad, she's playing around whether you're there or not. Furthermore, since she isn't quitting what she's doing, it's more important to her than you are to her.


    Think about it, are you really in love or is this an extreme form of infatuation? She's evidently not a damsel-in-distress, so quit your knight-in-shining-armor thoughts.


    Move on, cuz she's not. Peace!

  2. Ive stopped smoking, but drinking? Dunno, I don't have a reason to. I drink moderately anyway. But from time to time, I get wasted, really drunk. I hate the guilt afterwards. I hate the realization that I lost control during those few hours.

  3. good for you girl! seems to me you like the slower pieces. maybe you would also like the impressionists: check out ravel's pavane for a dead princess, debussy's clair de lune [moonlight], satie's gymnopedies.


    Nice suggestion! That's where people should head next to further deepen their classical music experience. But don't give up on Baroque if you haven't sat through Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suites. Intense!

  4. What eventually worked for me was: meditation. It helped me clear my head. It was all the thoughts floating in and out of my attention that kept me awake. By putting my thoughts aside, I was able to relax and eventually fall asleep.


    But a few bottles of beer worked too!

  5. Smoking decreases your performance given the reduced amount of oxygen in your system, there is more carbon monoxide in your blood stream compared to a non-smoker.

    Both anaerobic and aerobic are affected because no matter what, you are left with less oxygen than would be available if you weren't smoking.


    I used to smoke when I was doing gym (3 hours a day, 6 days a week)

    I used to smoke when I was hiking and rock climbing (at least two trips a month)

    I used to smoke when I was mountain biking (train 3 x week, long trip once a week)


    Then I quit smoking. I found that I could: go faster, last longer, recover sooner. Plus, no bad breath! ;P

  6. In addition, for those of us that are really active, cold water makes it more appealing to re-hydrate ourselves. Most of us are chronically dehydrated even when not active or working out. Proper hydration is important to maintaining a good fitness level.


    My take:

    Eat less, more often.

    Eat enough carbs to maintain a good glycogen level.

    Eat complex carbs to maintain a stable glycogen level.

    Eat less fat, more fiber.

    Eat enough protein to maintain muscle mass.

  7. The longer it goes on, the more intense the pain at the end, but very pleasurable while it lasts.

    The shorter it is, the shallower the relationship, but easier to break off. Ouch!


    On another note, it's harder to love when the person on the receiving end can't reciprocate. Can a PSP/GRO/MPA reciprocate the love we can give them?


    And since the thread mentions cutting both ways, can you reciprocate the love a PSP/GRO/MPA give?


    Like what mzmn said, it's the sex and the money that makes this all crappy.

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