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Status Replies posted by winstonman501

  1. Jaded ^_^

    1. winstonman501


      there you go..lolz hey just added ya up on ym...hit me up in case ye aint busy dear.tnx a bunch.

  2. =)

    1. winstonman501


      heyhey tnx bianca for the add..so hows everything there?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. not having a great week. need a big hug

    1. winstonman501


      hmmmm lotsa eager beavers..well it's 2011 na for sure..ok k na.haha

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  4. christmas is fast approaching...any plans??? :)

    1. winstonman501


      hmm proly figure out what to buy and stuff and x out some names on the list.lol you?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Girls, there's a fine line between wearing make-up or just looking like you got gang banged by Crayola.

    1. winstonman501


      oh yeah...there's alot of them especially at night.heheh at clubs and bars.hhehe

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. i think i need something to relax me!

    1. winstonman501


      ...relax more stay indoors.lol

      how ya doing dimples..so whats keepin ya busy these rainy season?? ;-) pretty cold ei

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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