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Pietro Maximoff

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Posts posted by Pietro Maximoff

  1. As the title says, why do you spend time online? Why do you surf the Internet? What is it about the Internet that makes you stay for hours at a time? This is not a very serious topic, just reply with your thoughts and as much as possible please stay on topic.. I appreciate your help on this one. Thank you. :)

    It all began out of necessity. I was on the job market submitting resumes online when I stumbled upon message boards, and MTC was my first one. Thereafter, I regarded the internet as a medium of expression (which yielded other interests, such as downloading music and watching amusing video clips online.) Majority of my time spent on the internet is for recreational purposes.

  2. Adam Sandler - dude's got it all figured out.

    Apple - marketing innovation with pizazz.

    Nissan - er, it's all about air conditioning. :upside:

    Keanu Reeves - whoa. 'nuff said.

    Music - sounds that move you.

    Technology - endless possibilities.

    Movies - the other window to the soul.

    Comics - way ahead of their time.

    Internet - the oyster, redefined.

    Gaming consoles - unadulterated fun (blood and gore optional.)

    Mike Myers - groovy, baby.

    Art - cool's progenitor.

    Slang - sign o' the times.

    Graffiti - modern-day cave drawings.

    MTC - M-aking T-houghts C-ool (again.)



  3. I Am Legend


    Is it just me or does Will Smith have a preference for sci-fi movies with apocalyptic themes lately? This time, however, you'll be treated to a hefty serving of life in solitude not unlike Tom Hanks' Castaway, although Will also has to contend with rabid humans. Resident Evil may come to mind, but Legend approaches the subject in earnest, focusing more on the dramatic aspect rather than the action. Suspense and horror fans will get their fair share, however, since the creatures featured here are quick on their feet with a primal scream that pierces the ears like chalk on a blackboard (plus, they lurk in the dark.) If you find the pace dragging, it's because a large part of the film dwells on the protagonist's daily routine, fleshing out the story occasionally with brief flashbacks.


    The twist? The title becomes apparent at the rather abrupt ending.

  4. :thumbsupsmiley: :thumbsupsmiley: :thumbsupsmiley:


    share naman kayo ng tips, do's and dont's, and views about :


    - job hunting (information and techniques)

    If you are dead set on practicing what you took up in college, it is essential that your credentials give you an edge over other applicants in the same field, because it is likely that your preferences will limit the choices available to you. On the other hand, if you are open to exploring other opportunities, your chances of getting hired will increase exponentially. Oftentimes, people do not know the career they will be happy with until they have exercised their options.

    - job interviews (usual questions and best answers)

    General questions typically explore nothing related to the job but your ability to communicate. Apply with the least-preferred employers first; by the time you reach the top of your list, your experience will enable you to tackle the interview more effectively.

    - resume

    Ascertain the requirements for the job you are applying for and reflect your qualifications in the resume. Keep it simple.

    - self confidence (what to do when you're oh-so-nervous)

    Gain adequate experience in the application process before going for your target employer.

    - starting salary and employers

    The salary is usually discussed upon being accepted for the job (if it was not already posted in the want ad.) If your prospective employer is not an established company or is new in the industry, you will have to rely on your better judgment. Gather information on them from reliable sources.

    - sss, tax, tin, benefits etc etc etc

    Most companies already facilitate the maintenance of employees' SSS and TIN records, as well as the filing of income tax. Benefits are made available to regular employees.

    - freelancer (may money ba dito?)

    Yes, but demand for this is either seasonal or irregular. You'll rely heavily on volume to make up for the slack.

    - call centers

    Competitive compensation package, career growth, refinement of communication skills, no age limit. A good place to start for new graduates, as well as a viable fall-back for those who are in-between jobs (if one is amenable to working odd hours.)

  5. I never thought I would consider the nasal, raspy, (and at times, squeaky) sing-song voice quality a turn-on until I met my last ex-girlfriend. She is also a big fan of The Nanny, which seemed to have a strong influence on her sense of style and mannerisms (alternately, she may have identified with the main character so much, because she already possessed similar qualities. It is difficult to ascertain.) Nevertheless, she pulled the whole thing off with flying colors and redefined my idea of what is attractive.

  6. Identify key stressors and minimize exposure to them.


    Find a suitable outlet to relieve tension.


    Set aside time for rest and relaxation.


    Keep workload manageable. Plan activities well in advance and be several steps ahead in implementing procedures. Develop and improve upon effective and efficient routines. Achieve an adequate level of competence (if not complete mastery) through constant practice and review.


    Maintain a positive outlook and an open mind.

  7. I once lent a considerable sum of money to a co-worker whom I have known since grade school. When it became apparent that he had no intention of paying me back, it was as if he had written off our friendship. There are still times I entertain similar requests with other fellow employees, but only when it entails a negligible amount.

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