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Posts posted by lam_pard888

  1. ...if he doesn't have time for you anymore, especially giving you thousands of reason not to see you, most of them are obviously lame,

    ...if he keeps on texting somebody else even when your around, and you don't even have an idea who he is texting

    ...if the sex becomes infrequent and if you have one its dull

    ...if loses his cool at the slightest thing

    ...if he changes the passwords to all account he gave you access to

    ...if he suddenly becomes out of reach, doesn't call or text when he usually does

    ...if hides his phone from you, especially most of his sent messages are deleted



    bottomline: getting inconsistent. deviating from the normal things that he usually does



    Very TRUE -- change it to a male perspective....had the same experience to my exgirlfriend

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