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Posts posted by johannlucas

  1. MANANA Habit It is ironic that the Spanish would accuse Filipinos of being lazy when they themselves taught us the mañana habit in the first place. Known as “tomorrow” in English, the habit encourages procrastination, an “ability” we Filipinos have since turned into an art form. Even the most urgent of projects and tasks can be relegated for some other time; we are only forced to work on them when the deadline is near. It’s a miracle we get things done in this country.

  2. There’s no sign in the Zodiac that can hold a grudge quite like Pisces. All other signs don’t even come close in this regard. But while Pisces will hold a grudge for their entire lives, they will forgive somewhere along the line, but will never let you forget.

    Pisces may not be as obvious in showing you that they haven’t forgotten and never will, but they’ll definitely make snide comments often enough to make you feel uncomfortable.


  3. Stay positive during small talk. If you're stressed when making small talk, this is likely to rub off on other people. Therefore, work on developing a positive mentality surrounding small talk. Going into the situation positive can make it a more positive experience for everyone. This can make small talk easier, easing your social anxiety in future situations.[2]

    • Change how you think about small talk. Don't think of it as a burden. Instead, look at it as a way to get to know new people.
    • Try doing something to relax, like taking a few deep breaths, before going into a situation that requires small talk. You will end up calmer during the situation, and better equipped to make small talk in a positive manner.
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  4. Ah, hell. Yes. I once begged an ex to come back, and I really wish I hadn’t done that. The situation was very unusual: I’d been sucker-punch dumped, and I could not have seen it coming. I thought that everything was OK. We hadn’t been arguing. In fact, it seemed as though things were just the way they always had been.

    I regret it, because in retrospect … who does that—? Why would I possibly want someone back who had discarded me so cavalierly, seemingly for no reason at all? It makes no sense at all. I could have never trusted him again; it would have taken such a long time for him to regain my trust, if ever this were possible.

    Secondly, I didn’t look at it from his point of view. I’ve broken up with men in the past, and I’m sure it came as a shock to them. I knew that I couldn’t trust them with my future—to do the right thing with respect to my well-being. To meet my most fundamental needs. Obviously, my ex felt the same way for reasons he didn’t elucidate. (Alternately, maybe he was just a shallow a-hole, and again, why would I want someone like that?)

    But, I’ve forgiven myself for acting like a fool. When you really love someone, sometimes you lose yourself in that feeling.

    If anything is worth begging for, it is love. No judgments here.

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