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  1. What is the point of living? Is it to earn money so you can sustain your everyday life? Is it to travel? Is it to settle down and build a family? I don't get the point of living anymore. I wake up, go to work, go home, sleep, then wake up again the next day. Payday comes, i save up a little then continue working. But what for? What should I be saving up for? My future? Do I simply work and save money for the future? Is this what life is all about? I am so sick and tired of this repetitive...

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      This is why all of us must embark on a journey to find purpose greater than ourselves. It is not just about us. If we only focus on ourselves its easy to find an excuse to lose motivation to live. But if one has something beyond himself to live for, die for, strive for, then life doesn't feel wasted.


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