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Posts posted by patronus

  1. can't help be awed by the majority's responses.

    i think finding our purpose need not be of grandeur.

    as mulan's emperor says:


    "a grain of rice can tip the scale, one man can make a difference."


    if we all pull our gestures of kindness or help there is, can u imagine the difference? baka bumaba na scale of corruption in the phils. hehehe who knows? The responses can be a good survey to prove that majority believes in the goodness in them.. only not boldy expressed i think.

  2. di rin ako sigurado what my purpose in life is. i'm sure it's not just to exist and survive. it has to be something higher than that.


    i was brought up, molded and trained to be a good person, help others out, to do the right thing... shown how to live honorably.


    kaya lang masyadong marami nang tao trying to be good. try ko kaya maging kontrabida  :evil:   :evil:  :evil:


    it takes a little time to do a lot of good... and trying to be so is eezy

    but to be constantly good?!... tough challenge! u need not be kontrabida,

    that comes naturally.

  3. novel: Rowling (the one of horry potter? :blink: )

    John Grisham

    Richard Paul Evans


    psycho spiritual: Robert Fulgum (All i need to know i learned in Kindergarten)

    Henri Nouwen

    Scott Peck

    Chxn soup writers (sino-sinu nga yon? :unsure: )

    Leo Buscaglia


    Jack or anyone, any good book u can recommend?

    someone mention jessica zafra... i like her authenticity.. i'll read one soon..

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