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Posts posted by Admirer40

  1. If I love her, then her highest good, not mine will be preeminent.


    Therefore, since I can never be the best for her because I am already married, I will break the relationship.


    How do I stay away? Physically and electronically.


    Its a decision one must do for the greater good.. mahirap pero nararapat.. masakit pero kailangan. indeed. no more call, text, email, fb, tweeter, ym as in cut the communication and get busy doing other things.. I'm going through the same senario right now.. I've cut the communication for 1 month now.. this is with a thinking.. since I am married and I have a family.. I owe her a good life with someone who can really love her w/o reservation.. someone who will be there regardless.. its painful but thats true love... (not selfish) once day.. she will thank you for it im sure.. (setting her free)

  2. There are valid grounds before divorce can be granted and its also expensive. people have their own decisions in life and their own path to take. as much as the Bible goes against this, there are valid grounds for this to be granted.




    battered wife or husband


    life threatening issues for wife/ husband and kids etc.

    - people should do their best to work out things 1st pero kung wala na talaga, why stay together? you will just hurt yourself some more.


    Just my 2 cents opinion..

  3. i checked the website... it's hard work... you work 40 hours a week and you get paid monthly? that's too much of a risk for me. dunno about others...


    just sayin...


    That's for full time post.. for part time its just 4 hours a day. yes we get paid once a month coz we're called contractors for an international client Australia, US and UK..

  4. Try us: www.remotestaff.com.ph. we have full time and part time positions. no project based work its a career! :-) create an online profile there. its a home-based job using your internet connection, computer and your previous work experience. when you sign up, might as well put my name on your referral (Chris Reyes)

  5. Apology accepted.. its not you man but it helps atleast may nakakaunawa. we got over it na naman. hehehe. un lang last experience ko is with PGH kasi the specialist of my baby needs to do a liver biopsy and her hospitals are in PGH or st lukes. recommended na nung doc is pgh although i had my doubts para matapos na dun na din namin ginawa. as expected from a government hospital. sobrang bagal ng service pay ward kana nga lalagyan nlang ng dextros ang baby e 5-6hrs kapa magaantay the same with aalisin ang dextros nakuu 5-6hrs kung ndi mo pa ifofollow up ng ilang ulit sa nurse station ndi mapapabilis and the worst i think is the process of getting a room and discharge may appointment pang process na aabutin ka ng syam syam.. tas pagmay refund ka bec you used your philhealth.. nakuu after a month mo pa makukuha.. kung gusto makatipid ok sa pgh kaso chaga ka nga lang sa service, treatment at pagaantay.

  6. A friend of mine got impregnated due to adultery.. She says she had an affair a few months back from today.. And the guy who she had an affair with left after knowing that she is pregnant with him.. She knows its his because her husband has not made love to her for over six months.. Why? She would not let him.. Says she does not love him anymore.. And to make matters worse, is that the guy is a good provider, loving and understanding.. He has not done anything to her that would make her lose that love.. (How do I know this? Well, she told me herself.) And to compound everything is that they have a child who is now 6 years old..


    Her husband learned about the infidelity and the unborn child but asked her to give the child up by aborting it, if she still would want to continue on with the relationship.. The wife wanted out of the relationship but cared for her child's (from her real husband) well-being.. Fearing of the consequences if a separation shall be done, she reluctantly had the baby aborted just last week.. But right now, she is really suffering miserably and no amount of comforting from anyone has made her lose the thought that she killed a life from her own womb..


    I told her that it is wrong, but it was needed.. And maybe, God would understand and if she really is remorseful, than maybe God would forgive her from the adultery to the abortion.. What do you think? How about rape victims?


    Rape victims who get impregnated, on the other hand, in the Islamic law are allowed to decide the fate of the baby.. But in adultery, Islamic law states otherwise.. What is your stand?


    I know some people who went through the same process. we really cant blame at this point what she needs is a time to heal and forgive her self. if she is still in the same condition you can have her go to CCF every sunday. a lot of people can talk to her there for counselling.. CCF is at St. Francis Square 4-5th floor. just ask for counselling.

  7. nice topic. let us remember we are not God to get a life of an innocent baby, your God given conscience will determine what is right and wrong for you. I'm a parent and the child has nothing to do with any mistakes of the woman or the man who made them.. the child/ fetus will bear the consequences of the people who had the power over it and one day we will be held accountable when we face God.

  8. Had the same experience there sa Lourdes Hospital. may certain laboratory exams na kelangan din gawin sa baby ko and needed to admit him overnight ayun emergency room on pedia area was a nightmare kawawa ung baby ko sa kakaiyak tas palabasin ba naman kami dahil nakikita nilang masama na mukha namin.. aba alangan namang ngumiti kami e yung baby ko halos himatayin na sa kakaiyak? same thing sa mkt med isang mali nila dun sa tusok senior resident doc na tinatawag dun sa lourdes kahit resident doc na duling din ata. ano ba yan... sa st lukes naman mahuhusay un nga lang malaki babayaran mo pero ok na siguro un keysa naman halos madurog na puso mo sa iyak ng baby mo.

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