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Posts posted by whitetiger

  1. I chose road 2 a long time ago, a career that lets me do what I love but does not offer the financial possibilities that other careers may offer.

    Guess what: after more than 10 years this choise has proven to be the right one because it has turned from passion only to passion and money!

    Reason: I love what I do and I am passionate about it, people notice that and gave me the chance to move up quickly.

    So financial success came later but now I have both: passion and money.



  2. I had my fair share of experiences with the ladies of the night, but only on a short time basis for the pure fun of the moment.

    I could not go for more since I personally could not stop thinking about what she did before and what she might continue to do so. But that´s just me.


    More power to those who can and are able to make it a good relationship, although the odds are really bad in my view.



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