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Posts posted by miks2006

  1. fellow mountaineers, do you have any suggestions on where to buy gear. I already have most of the essentials (pack, boots, kits, etc) any suggestions for getting headlamps and such at a relatively cheaper price than the mall stores (habagat, bombproof)?

  2. this is going to be my longest run yet! all were 10k, any suggestions on how to prep for this one?


    i'm regularly running for a month now. 3x a week (2x 5k (20-30 mins) and 1x 10k (50mins - 1hr))

    will my training be sufficient for the 21k race? i was shocked when i saw the route in my race packet! ang layooooooo!!! combined takbo para sa kalikasan and 10k KoTR route.. nyaha

  3. after the men's health run, i stopped running for a while. I just started running again last week and hindi pa regular! i'm now suffering from shin splints when i do my usual route. What surprises me is that i play futbol 4 times a week, i thought that would be a good substitute to my road running. I guess sprinting and endurance running train the body differently.


    any thoughts about this?

  4. @koopahl


    i agree, this is the toughest run i've ever participated in. I also ride does trails on my bike but running it competitively is something else. BTW, where did you find the over-all results of the trail-run? i'm sure i'm 5th in my age class but i want to see my overall rank.



  5. i found the website! :D and i used the online application form, problem is...

    i didn't receive any notice from them about receiving my form and sa race day na ba ako magbabayad?


    enlighten me please :D


  6. thats what they said also, pero i still went. good thing madami sa nagpareserve didn't show up. so i took their slot instead :D talk about luck! and i got a decent time for the 10k kahit kasabay ko na mga 3k sa starting line :D


    pasig, here i come!

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