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Posts posted by steiner

  1. Finished MS 14S Gelgoog Custom







  2. Finished MS 14S Gelgoog Custom







  3. my WIP







  4. Hmm, Magkano kaya yung Tamiya masking tape na yun at san ka nakabili? What if I use 3m invisible tape?


    Purchase it at lils hobby store for 80 to 90 pesos. I think 3m will also leave adhesive.

  5. Thanks Dude... I'll try it out withregular masking tape when I get the time. hehehe.


    Regular masking tape wont do. You will only get tons of adhesive on your model. Tamiya masking tape is different.

  6. @steiner:


    Lufet!!! Post mo naman instructions kung pano gawin yang camo pattern na yan. Hehehe.


    Sarap siguro gawin niyan sa Zaku ko.



    Simple lang, just buy tamiya masking tape and cut out squarish patterns then use airbrush to spray them on. Complete the pattern for each color then move on to the next.

  7. Reminds me of my hobby back in the late 90's, I was into 1:35 models back then and still have some unpainted Academy and Tamiya kits


    You can always get back into it sir. The nice thing today is that there are plenty of people who can help you get back into the hobby.

  8. I'm planning to pick up this hobby again. What's the best place to buy kits and supplies now?




    You have three choices for shops, JMN in Harrison Plaza, Lils in megamall, Makati or TRinoma, and STC in SM North, Alimall, Greenhills, SM fairview or tetuan.


    Check out our website: www.ipmsmanila.com or contact us if you would like help getting back in the hobby. Thanks!

  9. My 1/100 RGM 79 GM sniper



















  10. Unpainted

















  11. Long time no post... Medyo busy nga this summer (fighting the heat!) Was able to do some work on some sci fi and figure models but nothing finished as of yet. Will post when some stuff is completed. Nice Bradley Dr Pep!




    Oo nga ano... Susmaryosep... Senior moment nanaman!


    But seriously, the forum has been quiet lately... Maybe people are busy preparing for the coming elections.


    Now back to modeling...



  12. Manilacon 2009








  13. Ok enough talking for me and back to modeling! :thumbsupsmiley:


    I always wanted to try this figure in woodland just for the heck of it!

















  14. I buy a kit for about a thousand pesos. How long will it keep me happily occupied? About a year if I rush it. This hobby is still cheap! I spend three times that much in a certain place and it only keeps me happily occupied for an hour and a half!


    Dr. Pep.


    I know where that place is! hahahaha. Seriously, you're right. This isn't too expensive in the long run when juxtaposed against other comparable hobbies. Airsoft would cost you easily 8 to 9 for the gun and 400php for each game (game fee, bb's transportation etc.) if you play 4 times a month thats 1600Php already not to mention maintenance.


    Perhaps it really boils down to people nowadays wanting immediate results and disliking to wait. We notice this even in the kids who build models - pabilisan ng gawa ang gusto nila! Convenience, immediate results and instant gratification seem to be the common mindset across many hobbies and activities.


    Hey, even in relationships we see fewer people getting married (and at an older age too!) and more of them engaging in the more convenient "casual arrangements" that we are too accustomed to here on MTC.


    I'm not surprised that modeling isn't as popular as it once was.

  15. I like the build and take home concept! Specially if there are people present to give tips on how to cut parts from the sprue, apply glue, etc. Maybe a hobby store can sponsor one during the next exhibit, with several masters giving tips. That's instantaneous sales for the store!


    You'd be surprised how shortsighted some hobby store owners are. Some that I know wouldn't even spend one centavo on promoting their wares if it meant giving away free kits. The concept of marketing is completely lost to some of our retailers and their only prevailing concern is to rack up profits without any longterm development of their target market.

  16. paot naman..where can i get some grumbacher brushes? i need nylon tip(orange) # 0,00 and 000


    Deovir or NBS. I recommend the brushes of momiji - they are relatively cheap synthetic brushes and they work! You can get them at deovir! :thumbsupsmiley:

  17. Maybe it's just the golden age for us old hobbyists. I guess this is also true in most countries. Even instant gratification is not the only hurdle. I mean, let's face it, with the price of model kits and accessories, only adults with some disposable income can actually venture into this hobby. I still think that having more exhibits in malls, schools, fairs etc. will draw some new blood. What are your experiences when you have exhibits? Do you get questions from the kids or their parents? Do you assign someone to talk to the viewing public in case they show interest?


    In principle we should be assigning member to do "PR" work but this isnt always done. Hobby clubs are imperfect organizations and many times important concerns like this aren't always addressed. During exhibits, many people ask about the hobby, but the lack of displays that depict the journey of the in-the-box kit to finished product really prevents the majority of exhibit goers to fully understand that these are not toys and it does take some skill to build them.


    Unfortunately both clubs haven't addressed this issue yet which provides an opportunity for such improvement in the future.

  18. Steiner, whatever gave you the idea that I wanted the two clubs to merge? IPMS BA is doing fine the way they are from my point of view - and so is IPMS Manila the last time I looked. The thought of a single unit never crossed my mind... and I'm sure neither did it cross their minds as well.


    My thesis is that the job of making this hobby grow is a task too large for one club to handle. Though it may be true that both clubs are working towards the same goals, the activities and methodology are sometime in conflict with one another.


    What I was proposing is for the different clubs to unite in this goal of making the hobby grow. How will this be accomplished? Through a COORDINATED set of activities that will provide the would-be, novice, advanced and master modelers a venue for them to showcase their skills, learn from their peers, have an opportunity to acquire good quality kits and equipment at reasonable prices. In short, band together through activities and deeds - not unify under one banner or club... THAT WOULD BE UNWISE.


    Right now, there are people who post in this forum (also in our own IPMS Manila forums and I am sure in the IPMS BA forums) about a lot of stuff regarding the hobby. We at IPMS Manila DO NOT have a monopoly on modeling know-how and neither does IPMS BA or other modeling clubs around the Philippines. What I would like to remove (which I am glad is starting here in this forum) is the labeling of clubs as "this" or "that".


    We are all modelers - PERIOD. We have a very small community and we should all work to making it bigger, better and more inviting to the next generation of potential modelers - who, like you said, are not interested in what we do. We cannot stand by idly and watch the hobby we love die... we have to do something...


    My Two-cents worth...




    Working together also isn't a particularly good idea either. I think that working separately remains the best setup. The status quo seems to be good for both clubs so perhaps we should be happy with what we have. Just no mudslinging and forum flaming and we'll all be just hunky dory....

  19. Point well taken guys...


    But that being said, wouldn't you think it would be high time for all of us in the modeling community to act as a single unit and try to promote the hobby. Steiner is right. Despite the efforts of IPMS Manila and IPMS BA, it still seems ike a herculean task. Doing the efforts separately does not seem to be working. Don't you guys think it is time to work on this together?


    Dr. Pepper, you keep on hiding those beautiful models of yours... show them in an exhibit! We have one coming up... why don'tyou display them for either competition or just plainly for everyone to see? How about the other guys? We at IPMS Manila would be more than happy to display your works of art for you. After all, that is what the event was made for...






    From a social psychologist's perspective, IPMS BA and IPMS Manila will never be able to work together as a single entity-ever. I predict that with a great degree of certainty and finality.


    The past of these two organizations has set in motion certain uncontrollable group dynamics that shall persist forever, and no one will be able to change that. Secondly, why should we want a single unit that will presumably, just lead to more social loafing (free riding, katamaran) over a competitive two club setup? Competition encourages growth and development; it enhances both groups simultaneously. So long as the competition is fair, modeling related and doesn't devolve into slapping or threatening each other in the mall, I see no reason to deviate from this state of affairs. The modeling public should have a choice, and presently they have one.


    Competition encourages greater motivation to perform -in Psychology this is a fact.

  20. Dr. Pepper,


    Golden age? I doubt. If you look at the people who are into modeling today, they are mostly the same old faces of 2 decades ago. Very few of the youth nowadays have the patience, let alone the inclination to get into this hobby. There are so many other more "exciting" hobbies for kids nowadays like video games and airsoft that deliver instant gratification which modeling cannot. Try watching the documentary on the "1:1 Airfix model" on youtube to find out that even in the U.K. the kids are generally disinclined towards modeling.


    Despite the best efforts of both clubs in the Philippines to promote the hobby, there remain some forces beyond our control - and these we have to live with.

  21. Nice pics! I like the Gundam display, just a bit worried for the organizers since people can actually get close and handle the models since there is no glass case. For our December exhibit we are considering an open diorama also (no glass) but still are worried about the possibility that people will touch the models...


    Dapat meron dun sign sa tabi.... " touche ze models, we breake you handz!" :thumbsupsmiley:

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