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Posts posted by daxmd

  1. genetics is the root cause of most people concerned with height-problems. only a subset of the population have endocrine or hormonal causes. if you're confident of youirself, then your height is the least of your problems.

  2. You don't have to take vitamins if you live a healthy lifestyle and eat well-balanced nutritious meals everyday. But if you feel you'll need one...IMMUVIT. It has both types of Ginseng roots kaya okay sa kama and claims to be good stimulant of endorphins.

  3. Traditionally, circumscision is done the summer before entering first-year HS. For one the boy's penis would be large enough to be manipulated so to speak and he would be embarrased to go to school not yet circumcised as compared to his classmates. But nowadays it's only done for tradional reasons.

  4. Traditionally, circumscision is done on the summer before entering first-year high school. That way, the boy's penis is large enough to be manipulated and mahihiya syang pumasok ng hindi pa tuli. But nowadays, it's only done for traditional purposes.

  5. Bro, don't lose your focus. go for hospital where you can learn the most, preferably, a government hospital para in case you don't have plans for residency, you'll have some skills necessary for a small GP practice.

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