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Everything posted by umayoska

  1. See I've got my own Quarter life crisis. We all get to this one point in life where we make a final choice which road we'll be taking. Money or Passion? ROAD 1: If you had this job, everything was going well, good business was moving you up the ladder, and you were being bumped up to a very important position (say Business Develpment for example), and it ensured travel, profit shares, and good earned big pay, but it didn't move you... It didn't excite you... It didn't make you feel any alive, and it made you feel boring and dead, and not to mention the long hours of working 6 days a week and sometimes 7... BUT it would give you all the money in the world and give you what you want (security and material things). ROAD 2: Then there's the other road. Something that excites you, makes you feel alive, and would give you all the worthy experiences in the world... A life of meaning. But it didn't assure you any money or wealth, and you've never done it professionally and you'll be starting from scratch, at the bottom... But is a life of an artist and this is what you want to be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to know what my fellow MTCers have to say... Well actually I just want to know what to do, I have actually told friends in past to go for ROAD 2 with ease, but the choice is actually very hard to make when its your life... Haaaayy.. It's so hard to turn away from money.... I'm 23 and these are the two roads I have to choose on SOON. It's like a choice between being Nathan or Peter Petrelli (sorry, "Heroes" fan right here!)... Peace Out!
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