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Posts posted by sgt_trigger107

  1. Treatment of genital warts should be guided by the preference of the patient, the available resources, and the experience of the health-care provider. No definitive evidence suggests that any of the available treatments are superior to any other and no single treatment is ideal for all patients or all warts.


    Treatment regimens are classified into patient-applied and provider-applied modalities. Patient-applied modalities are preferred by some patients because they can be administered in the privacy of the patient’s home. To use patient-applied modalities effectively, compliance with the treatment regimen is important along with the ability to identify and reach all genital warts.


    Surgical therapy (e.g. electrocautery) has the advantage of usually eliminating warts at a single visit. However, such therapy requires substantial clinical training, additional equipment, and a longer office visit.


    My advice is that you should consult a highly qualified dermatologist who will present all available treatment modalities for you and will guide you in choosing the best method..





    Thanks for the advice. I'll get a second opinion from another practitioner. Thanks again.

  2. Hi i just have a query,


    My gf was diagnosed with genital warts and she got it treated right away for safety precaution i was advised by her dr. to get examined as well for genital warts. Lo and behold i also had it. I was shocked as I couldnt believe it. Anyways the doctor advised that i should have it removed through "cotory" (Not sure of the spelling). I'm kinda scared because this I believe involves burning the wart on your member and the doctor said that it there are about 5 warts to remove. My query is that is there any other means of treating this aside from burning it. I read over the internet that there is a cream that you can apply. What can doctors advice. If I decide to go with the cotory is it painful and will it heal up quickly? If i don't decide to go through with this what are the possible outcomes. Another concern is that the treatment is so expensive at 6,700 PHP that's why im thinking twice to have it done. Any advice and suggestions would be highly appreciated.


    Thanks in advance

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