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Posts posted by caramelkisses

  1. I sense the sincerity of your post....and i believe there are women out there who are just like you....the good girls that you are referring to are mirror images of what we are (or used to be).....sadly.....you just can't have 2 good people in one room (sensya na...i believe opposites attract) ....true we may have not noticed you....maybe because you were too shy to make your presence felt.....or maybe because good guys look for something they don't have.....a wild side.....


    I guess our fates dictate otherwise.


    It's funny that you mentioned having a wild side. My ex, a normal, sometimes good guy (my biased opinion after the breakup, of course), was never able to reconcile himself with the fact that I have a more adventurous side despite the strict code of ethics that I live by. Yes, I was -- and still am -- a nice girl in public, did and said all the right things and was always courteous and polite et cetera et cetera ad nauseum ad infinitum because that's how my parents raised me, but when we were together in private, I was open to doing things that, in his opinion, belied my good girl image. To me, there was never a disconnection between these two sides, especially within the context of a relationship, but he seemed to find it unnerving, to say the least, and yes, it was one of the reasons the relationship eventually went sour.


    And therein lies the rub. Men are always saying that they "want a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets," to quote a once-popular song, yet when they get one, they don't seem to know what to do with her. Why? Is it the eternal "be careful what you wish for" syndrome? Maybe a case of cold feet? Maybe, maybe not. Whatever his reasons for behaving the way he did, I refuse to let his actions influence my thoughts and feelings about the other men I might meet and want. Call me an idiot for being an eternal optimist, but I still believe that there are good guys out there and that I might meet one someday who will want to stick around. It's a wide world, after all.


    My two cents' worth. Peace.

  2. to waterbearer: maybe you just didn't notice the good girls looking for good guys in your life because we're sometimes we're not all that noticeable. we're not usually flashy or sexy or drop dead gorgeous so we don't tend to turn the average guy's head, and let's face it, attraction usually starts with one's eyes, right? ;) maybe we just seem plain and boring to you men, but we know that we do have a lot to offer, and some of us are willing to hold out till we find someone who can appreciate us for what we are.


    well, such is life. as you said, "i guess our fates dicatate otherwise."


    peace. :)

  3. Z,


    I can't believe that I'm still confused about my feelings for you, when it's really quite obvious how you feel about me. I wish I could just erase you from my memories, turn back the clock to the time before we met -- a cliche, I know -- anything to rid myself of this feeling that I get whenever I see you out with someone new, or when I hear that you've been sending her love notes or calling her before you go to bed. I used to be your last call of the day, remember? I used to be your last everything of the day. Now I'm reduced to writing you letters that you will probably never read, or, should you chance upon this site and this post, of all the posts of all the the members of all the threads on this site -- remember that movie? -- you will probably assume that it was meant for someone else, not you.


    But that is the beauty of this site, and the very reason that I joined it in the first place. It affords me a certain semblance of anonymity, a false feeling of security that whatever I say here, even if I figuratively howl at the top of my lungs, no one will know who I am. I am merely another poster in a sea of nameless and mostly faceless posters. I have been reduced to a sequence of ones and zeros and pinpoints of light, but here I have the space to say anything I want.


    What is the point of all this rambling? Only this: I miss you. I miss you, and I'm jealous of everything and everyone that is in your life. Jealous as hell. I wish I was still there with you.


    There, I've said it. Break out the balloons and call out the band. I guess I *am* human, after all.


    This is me howling in the wilderness, Z. This is me telling you what I should have told you long ago, if you read between the lines.


    As T. S. Eliot once said, "These are private words addressed to you in public."


    I wish you the best, Z. Yes, despite the jealousy. You know that things were never easy between us. Why should this be any different?


    Be well, Z.


  4. been to sogo aurora again!

    and it is always a pleasure to be in,

    though jam-packed talaga last thursday night!

    paid 513php for 10hrs, deluxe accomodation


    hi! newbie here. my SO and i are curious about sogo aurora and would like to try it, but we're afraid to go in because of the waiting time and the condition of the rooms. i've only stayed in a sogo hotel once (emergency accomodations lang,sayang! hehe) and i can't say that the experience was a good one. the executive room they gave us smelled of stale cigarettes and the bed and pillows looked and felt as if they had seen much better days before. :thumbsdownsmiley:


    okay po ba talaga sa sogo aurora? i'd really like to try it but after my experience with sogo guadalupe, i'm not sure if i should. any tips as to room rates and room numbers that are good would be appreciated. thanks po! ^_^

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