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Posts posted by searcher

  1. Generally I would recommend to go for legal wife.


    Have you ever heard of the saying "love is a decision"? True that in the beginning it may be physical or even sexual. But, at a certain point you should have made a decision that no matter what happens I will stick with her through thick and thin. There will always be somebody better than her. And in the same way, there will always be somebody better than you. So when you got married you both made a decision.


    With that in mind work it out as a couple and do small thing to constantly express your lovefor each other.


    Your circumstances may be different. But I hope you find a way to be happy with your legal wife.

  2. I need some legal advice.


    The employee in a private company is on maternity leave (ceasarian) May 1 and wants to plans to go back to work on Jun 1.

    Considering that the maternity leave is 60 days or 75 days what are the rules?


    The reference I have is:

    Rule XVI of the Omnibus Civil Service Rules


    Section 14. Married women may go on maternity leave for less than sixty (60) days. When an employee wants to report back...


    1. Is it the choice of the employee or employer?

    2. What is the law on this so I can show it to our HR?


    I would appreciate your help. Thanks

  3. the owner/seller can actually avoid paying capital gains tax if the original owner/seller purchases another property of equal or greater value within 18 months..


    I would like to ask...

    If my Mother owns a lot worth 5M

    And buys a house&lot named after her and me worth 3M


    Will there be savings in capital gains?

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