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Posts posted by ||iSaBeLLe||

  1. :evil: i'd have to say its both freedom and lonely again...It also depends on why and how the relationship ended, but as i've mentioned it's both...once a relationship ends your free to do things you weren't able to do while in the relationship and no need to seek approval from anyone, you can do things and go wherever you please anytime...but it gets lonely then when your used to doing certain things with your partner, specially if it has become a routine, like having breakfast together or talking on the phone everynight before you go to bed...but if it's the end of the relationship, no choice but to face whatever feelings it will bring about...

  2. Everyone is bound to get hurt one way or another...it's how you will rise after you fall that matters..When someone cheats on you, the trust in which the relationship was built on will forever be tainted...paranoia will forever haunt you...when one of the party cheats, don't expect for a relationship to remain as it was and think that you can go on with the relationship as if nothing has happened, because more often than not, the though that, that person is doing it again will haunt you even in your dreams..so when your partner cheats I say think about it not twice but a hundred times if you want to stay or not..but when you make a decision...make sure you stick through with it...it's painful to let go of someone that you love so much..but it's more painful to lose yourself because of that someone who's made a fool out of you...

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