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Posts posted by hks7mgte

  1. Stick Shift man!! Real car or racing enthusiasts normally goes for a manual transmission because they are more responsive.


    Automatics are for sissies.



    Haha.. I'm going to have to disagree with that.


    Manual maybe be better for control, but you can't beat a good programmed automatic, it's crisp and responsive, it almost responds like a manual.


    Even high powered cars like Mercedes AMG's are auto tranny's does that mean those cars are sissies ??

  2. As a balikbayan, one thing that turns me off is when my friends ask for "pasalubong." If I can afford to give them all "pasalubongs," I will ask them in advance what they want . But if I feel that they are obliging me to bring them some goodies, then I resent them and make it a point not to see them when I'm in the Philippines. I won't even call them.


    Balikbayans are not made of money. We toil hard. We work hard for the money.



    I definitely agree. It's a misconception that people back home think that just because were simply bailkbayan automatically means were loaded.

  3. 137MPH northbound I-5 LA to SF on my '96 acura integra back in 2000 for a good 10 mins race. :D


    (got showed off by them mexicans driving a fixed up Supra eh. kaya ayun! they were cool though after the race)



    I'm guessing you had the GSR huh ?? I once rode on my friend 89 CRX with build GSR motor, pulled on the highway like a bat. But was scared inside because one mistake on that tincan and your dead. On the roadcourse though it's a monster.

  4. EB willingly left the girls of sexbomb out in the cold for that piece of s@%t??? putcha ang alam lang nyan umiyak kuno & maging bobo sa english, ginawa na ni jimmy santos, ethel booba & rufa mae... :thumbsdownsmiley:


    I don't think Sugar is going to last very long in the showbiz game. Alot of people still hate her guts for what she did to the Sexbomb Girls. Despite the fact that we may hear all day long that Sugar still appreciates what her manager did to her career, which I think is bulls$#$.


    The public doesn't give Joy Cancio enough credit for making the SB Girls to where they stand today. I felt their talent speak's enough volumes for why there so damn good and how much rigorous training she puts these girls through. Just ask some of the SB Members like Johlan Veluz, Aifha Medina, Weng Ibarra, these 3 girls had no prior experience at all when it came to dancing and look at where they stand today. Second, their drama series Daisy Siete it's approaching it's 13th Season and currently the girls are in Tokyo, Japan shooting for the 13th Season titled, "Moshi, Moshi, Japan." That's what I call a dedicated true manager.


    About EB Babe's, I'm sorry but there trying hard to look cute too and skimpy outfit isn't going to cut it out for their lack of training when it comes to dancing they have no style and grace when it comes to their dance moves, lmao and don't give me that 30 day training they went through lmao, it's pure gimmick bullS*** marketing hype.

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