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Posts posted by kalaro

  1. My moms house is definitely haunted. My mom owns a 2 family house. She rents out the first floor. Her bedroom is on the second floor mine is on the third. You could hear foots steps walking up the stairs.(not creak...but walking). Once upstairs you can hear him pacing back and forth from room to room. I always hide under my covers. When my friends would slept over they would feel it touch their hair. Once I wasn't sleeping under the covers. I felt it touch my hair. It felt like fingers only a very weird sensation. I put the covers over my head not realizing my feet were sticking out and it touched my foot. It felt cold like fingers only very weird . I remember it was in the summer and I was up stairs playing on the computer. I got a weird feeling that some body was in the room with me. The hairs on my arm stood up. The bathroom door where you could see clearly from where I was playing on the computer just slammed. I thought maybe it was the wind but because I felt so uncomfortably I looked in the room......It was a hot day, no wind and the window was shut.This was a heavy wooded door. I ran down stairs. I use to hear my mom calling me all the time. When I'd go down stairs she said she never called me. One day my friend was at the house. We were upstairs and they said your moms calling you...I said no she's not. We heard it again. I said I bet she's not calling me. I went down stairs with them asked my mom if she was calling me and she said "No". I would hear knocks on my door ( 3 slow knocks ) right before I went to bed. I'd look and know one was there. Lights would flicker contentiously for no reason at all. At night he'd walk around pacing ..Some times I'd hear him moving my tapes around on my entertainment center. I call my ghost a man for 3 reasons. Once I my mom thought she saw a man with a hat go down our basement.There was no man. Another time my mom's friend said she was down the basement and bumped into some thing ......human while getting the wash. She ran upstairs. Years latter. I was doing wash down the basement. Nothing was behind me. I was putting my clothiers into the dryer and when I put my arm back a little to get the clothes out .....it was like he was standing right behind me because I hit him in the stern area . It felt human and it felt like a mans built and firmness. I ran. My mom still lives there. I don't any more. To this day I will not go tho the 3rd floor or basement by myself in her house

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