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Posts posted by dicxieboy

  1. Ang pinakaayaw ko na ugali ng pinoy ay yung sobrang colonial mentality. Ok lang na humanga sa taga ibang bansa, pero wag naman sanang samahan ng pintas sa kapwa pinoy. And one thing I really hate most is yung pag may kapalpakan, sasabihing pinoy kasi. kahit pa yung ugaling palpak ay human nature, meaning, talagang ugali na ng tao, attributed pa rin sa pinoy. Men, wake up! have faith in yourselves! We are not a doomed race. We can still get up and achieve something as a nation. We did it before, unless you are on the other side of the political spectrum. We have shown the world what we can do.


    And thinking of corruption, The Phillipine governemtn is not the onyl corrupt government in the world, there are a lot of governments far more corrupt than ours. The thing is, they just kept silent about it, because it is SOMETHING TO BE ASHAMED OF. I have read from an issue of the Reader's Digest of a Filipino woman saying that Philippine government is so corrupt, and saying bad things about Filipinos. Shame on her, I hope you or somebody you know read this and tell you about this.

  2. Physically, yung mabantot, untidy manamit, hindi makinis ang balat, may dark spot like the underarm

    Emotionally, yung gusto ba eh sa kanya lang iikot ang mundo mo, as if you don't have any other things to do like your job.

    Intellectually, walang alam sa current events, puro buhay ng kung sino-sino ang alam,

    Attitudewise, palengkera, walang finesse kung kimilos, hindi mahinhin.

    If a girl is beautiful inside, she will be definitely be beautiful outside.

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