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Status Updates posted by Zorro

  1. PM me your number please.

    See you this June 16 event @ Excess SuperClub.

  2. Hi Princess...

  3. the party was blast! but it should have been better if you were there...

  4. hope you can join the AnnivParty this Oct. 19...

  5. How are things V? Long time no hear!

  6. Sooo lovely! =)

  7. Lets party na!

    Send me your digits for the invites. =)

  8. looks like you're becoming famous!

    you missed the party last 15th po.

  9. Hope to see you @ the party this June 15th!

  10. Hi to the sexy Jamila

  11. Ei zup? how are you?

  12. baduy naman you had to work on Vday!

    hope to see you on the next party . . . TC!

  13. Ei zup? how are you?

    message me your YM please when you go online again. thanks.

  14. Ei zup? how are things?

    how was your valentines? =)

  15. Ei zup? how are things?

  16. Zorro

    are you for real? im a pm away if you are.

  17. Zup? How are you? Wala ako updated number mo po. =)

  18. Hey i just saw your message...do you still use your ym? hope all is well with you. cheers.

  19. Zorro

    Join our Inner Circle Parties. Bring your wife. Send me a pm if you are interested.

  20. nice to hear from you again...im bored diz dayz. how are things at your end?

  21. Where do we go from here? :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zorro


      Dare me! Ahaha!

    3. cHinitababe86


      im not just daring u. :P

    4. Zorro


      indeed jaz like your profile pic tell. :D

      have a nice day gorgeous =)


  22. Thanks...hope to party with you soon at the EBs here. Cheers.

  23. Thanks...hope to party with you at the EBs here soon. Cheers.

  24. Zorro

    Thanks...hope to party with you soon at the EBs here. Cheers.

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