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Posts posted by goliath168

  1. just wanted to share info:


    i have 4 of my wisdom tooth impacted, i consulted a dentist sa borough and sabi nya sakin each tooth would cost mga 5-6K daw depende sa tubo.


    sabi din nya usually sabay sabay na tinatanggal to para minsanan nlng kaso mahal. <_<

    try using soft toothbrush chaka use gargle. ;)

    for ur information lang di advisable magpabunot ng sabay sabay we're talking about four quadrant cnt do that impaction is asurginal procedure and it invole suturing the healing time about 7 to 10 days so pag pinabunot mo sabay sabay 7 to 10 days k on liquid diet coz any thing hard its going to be very painful due to the swelling so its not advisable do it one quadrant at a time .


    on this procedure your totally awake local anesthesia will do you would feel a thing

  2. i lose my grandparents both side to cancer my dad recently loose his battle to cancer now my dearest uncle the one i alway run to in time of problems sort of my financier my protector my second father is giving up his fight with this sickness i alway tell him to be strong fight it never give me but who am i kidding i knw theres no cure to this plaque what shld i do cnt affort to loose him sometimes life is so very unfair those people deserve to live longer are not given the chance and those who dont deserve are given a long life why does it have to be like that life sacks really

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