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  1. easy lang yan sa taong busy or depressed. personal record is 8 months
  2. kelan?... kelan mo ba ako mapagbibigyan na makilala ka ng lubusan?
  3. 202x Top JAV Actresses 1. Rion 2. Karen Yuzuriha 3. Mei Washio
  4. never lose your happiness; even if it means losing everyone else.
  5. yes lalo sa mahilig sa crispy lechon belly.
  6. globe ang stable sa area namin. medyo di reliable ang smart for some reason...
  7. A participant in a grand design. A tiny speck, a victim of fate.
  8. Work is work. Its a blessing if you are happy with your work. But at the end of the day you have to draw the line and have a mindset to treat it "just a job", just a means to earn and fuel the things that makes you truly happy.
  9. You are finite but you are enough. You are loved even if it means loving yourself. Its not an easy life and its ok to cry. Continue to live, a day at time. The laughter and the smiles will eventually come.
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