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  1. I personally have never cheated in a relationship. For me this comes down to communication. Communicate the expectations and boundaries of the relationship you desire. If you're unhappy with your partner or your relationship, communicate and explain why you're unhappy and how things can improve. If for whatever reasons you're incompatible with one another, then have the talk about separating and moving on. If you're in a happy relationship, then you shouldn't be flirting and leading another person on that could lead to infidelity. I've been the person in previous relationships that was cheated on. It's a terrible experience filled with feelings of betrayal and sadness. I wouldn't want to inflict that on someone I genuinely cared for. Having that empthy being able to think about how your partner would feel regarding your potential actions with another person should typically lead you to stopping and reevaluating your decisions. Ultimately I feel like a lot of it comes down to your own values and honor. Are you a person of their word? Are you a person who respects the relationships in your life? Do you have the maturity to consider the consequences of your actions? Are you willing to forego the temptations of immediate gratification in sacrifice for your romantic relationship?
  2. I'd say it always depends on the situation. A lot depends on reading the room and communicating with one another. For some women, a kiss on a first date (even one of the cheek) is an absolute no. For others, it's no big deal. I enjoy kissing, so if things were going well, ideally I'd love to finish the night with a romantic kiss. However if there's any signs of refusal then you've gotta abort and respect their decision. Enthusiastic consent is what I'm always looking for.
  3. I never really understood why people would intentionally try and hurt the ones they care for. Whether physically, emotionally or otherwise. You're supposed to trust and appreciate those you care for. If your SO somehow makes your emotions volatile, then that's not love, and you should avoid that person and move on. On the flip side though, women are adults too. If they are threatening or inflicting violence, then IMHO men should do what is necessary in self-defense to protect themselves.
  4. I'm cautiously optimistic for GSW this year. 5-0 in the pre-season, and the team looks great. Terry Stotts the new Lead Assistant Coach has been working some magic with the offense. He was the previous head coach with the Trailblazers and for Damian Lillard and is making some magic now with GSW. While it's sad Klay is gone, the truth is that they were giving him a lot of shots that just weren't hitting like it did in the past. He'd throw a lot of bricks, trying to force shots that just weren't falling in. That along with his refusal to come off the bench, and tantrums on and off the court, along with asking for more that his performance warranted make it a good thing that the team let him go. While I wish him luck with the Mavs, GSW gave him a lot of extra rope that he won't have any more. I feel like we still need to wait and see how Wiggins and Kuminga shape up this season, but I'm definitely a lot more optimistic than before the season started where there were just a lot of questions and uncertainties. The new guys in Hield, Melton, and Anderson are slotting in nicely, and the young guys are developing nicely.
  5. Wear something comfortable that's suitable for the weather/environment that you don't mind getting covered in sweat. At the end of the day brands mean nothing. It's all about how the material feels on your body, is it comfortable and is it easily cleaned so you can get it stinky/sweaty all over again.
  6. Attending funerals of a family and friends White hair appears Easier to gain weight, harder to lose weight Longer time to recover from anything Random body pain for seemingly no reason Taking a nap sounds like an ideal plan for the afternoon
  7. "Staying young" just means being healthy. So that for me breaks down to: Diet - Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Try to limit processed foods/sweets, avoid overeating. Take basic supplements to fill gaps in nutrition. Exercise - Lift weights regularly. I've been avoiding cardio, and so have gotten into walking a couple miles while carrying some extra weight (rucking) multiple times a week. Highly recommend as long as you slowly ease yourself into it. Sleep - We all need sleep. So getting regular, continuous sleep is important. Skin - Building a skin regimen is good. Even if it's as simple as washing face in morning & night, moisturizing and using sunblock during the day.
  8. I take a daily multivitamin, vitamin D and fish oil to try and fill any gaps in my diet/lifestyle. Some protein powder after exercising, and then melatonin for sleep.
  9. When I was a child in school, we were obligated to give Valentines to all of our classmates. However as I became a teenager, it was no longer a requirement so it became more of a "Watch the couples be all lovey-dovey while the singles sit around feeling lonely and jealous". It wasn't until I got older that I realized that Valentines Day is strictly a "Marketing holiday" to drive sales just like "Black Friday", and has no real substance besides peer pressure to purchase goods/services. From Wikipedia: Nowadays, I look forward to Valentine's day because of the big sales on the 15th. That's the best time to enjoy Valentines day because you get to save money when all the stores are trying to get rid of unsold goods and there's an over-availability for services because everyone went the day before.
  10. It all depends. Ultimately you need to have your life sorted out before seeking a new relationship. If you're "still technically married" that's no good. Figure that out first before pursuing a new woman. It's fine to reconnect with people from your past. However keep in mind that you're essentially starting over from scratch. A lot can happen over the years, personality, opinions and values can change as life happens. So while you may have a shared past, if anything is going to happen in the present it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
  11. Damn! OP shooting some shots there! At the time of your original post Cynthia was 63, and is now 73. You try and look hot, sexy and beautiful at either of those ages lol. Also according to Wikipedia they married in 1975, so that's 48+ years of marriage. That shared history, multiple kids and all the successful businesses they built together probably make it difficult to just leave and find a new "hotter" wife. As with many things, with time looks will fade. So if you're looking for a marriage partner that will hopefully be with you for the rest of your life there's more important things like compatibility, shared values/goals, personality, intelligence, etc.
  12. Moving on a is a process. All you can do is focus on what is in your power to control. This includes: Getting into the gym and focusing on making your body stronger. Re-focusing on the important relationships that are still in your life. Focusing on work and how you can find success there. Trying to reflect and learn why things went wrong. Whether through self-help books, videos or self-reflection Returning to hobbies and interests that bring you joy and happiness Ultimately time will pass and help make things better. All you can do is try and focus on heading in a positive direction rather than falling into a common pitfall like drinking, smoking, anger, etc.
  13. It sucks that our bodies start to break down as we age. Our metabolism slows down, it's easier to gain weight, things that you could do when you were younger aren't possible any more, new things hurt for seemingly no reason, things that were no problem all of a sudden start to cause issues. We get older and so do our family as problems and issues start to come up. Luckily it's never too late to start changing our diets, start lifting weights or start new cardio programs. It's hard to break habits, it's hard to say no to delicious but unhealthy food, it's hard to feel little progress and keep going. With discipline, hard work, time and effort so much is possible.
  14. I appreciate the response! It's tough to say looking back. LDRs in general are difficult because of the distance and lack of being with one another. It's possible that I was just convenient stand-in when she was lonely and horny. IMHO it's just a bad foundation to start a relationship by cheating on a current one. It leaves some paranoia of "If she cheated on her past bf with me, what's stopping her from cheating on me?". Not to mention all the drama that the cheating, and possibly ending the LDR would bring. Sure it leads to some great short term benefits, but at the time I really liked her and wanted more than just some casual sex. I wanted more from her, and she wasn't willing to break up with her bf, so I cut contact to try and move on. I'm not sure how long that relationship lasted, but it was probably 3 years later when we touched base and she hinted at hooking up again.
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