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Posts posted by patriki

  1. It seems like you had a complex and emotionally charged experience with the therapist you met at the spa. Here are a few points to consider:

    Respect boundaries: It's important to respect the personal and professional boundaries of others. If the therapist you met had limitations or restrictions, it's crucial to acknowledge and honor those boundaries. Pushing someone beyond their comfort zone can lead to discomfort or distress.

    Communication and consent: Clear and open communication is essential in any relationship or interaction. Before engaging in any activities, it's crucial to have a transparent conversation to ensure both parties are comfortable and consenting. It's important to obtain explicit consent and respect the other person's choices.

    Ethical considerations: It's worth noting that engaging in sexual activities with a therapist can raise ethical concerns, as it blurs the boundaries of a professional relationship. Therapists are bound by professional codes of ethics that prioritize the well-being and safety of their clients. It's important to consider the potential consequences and ethical implications of such interactions.

    Moving forward: It's natural to be curious about the well-being of someone you had a connection with, but it's also important to respect their choices and boundaries. If the therapist has resigned and you are no longer in contact, it may be best to move on from the situation and focus on your own personal growth and well-being.

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