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Abacca Spa 2022

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  1.           Experience Healing and Revitalizing Massage


    •  Kundalini Therapy (90minutes)= P2000.00

    Trance with two therapists soothing you with our finest strokes and techniques. Balanced and flourished your physical and mental strength for 90minutes of time for only 2,000.

    • Abacca's Classic Massage (120minutes)= P2000.00

    Relaxed and energized for 2 hours with our gentle and soothing massage that can eventually releases physical stress and tension and clear out the blockages in the energy for only 2000.

    • Abacca's Signature Massage (80minutes)= P1300.00

    Experience a soothing and relaxing back and head massage and be rejuvenate with our authentic sacred spot massage for only 1300 on your 80minutes of rejuvenation.


    Free Facial Mask in all Services.

    Our services are package already, We do not offer any Extra Services.

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